Figure 2.
Purification and activity of mATGL288-Str expressed in Lemo21 (DE3) cells.A, schematic drawing of the mATGL288-Str variant. B, SDS-PAGE (12%) after affinity purification of mATGL288-Str. Lane 1, Pierce unstained protein MW marker. Lane 2, elution fraction after the StrepII tag purification. Lane 3, elution fraction from size-exclusion chromatography. Red arrow indicates mATGL288-Str (45.3 kDa), # and ## indicate DnaK (70.0 kDa) and GroEL (60.0 kDa), respectively. C, triacylglycerol hydrolytic activity of purified mATGL288-Str in basal and mCGI-58-stimulated (indicated by an asterisk) condition. Str, StrepII tag.