(A) Food intake (ii), water consumption (iii), body weight (vi) of mice treated with thyme essential oil (12.5 mg/ml and 50 mg/ml), LPS or both LPS and essential oil and colon length (vi) of different groups treated with drugs. (B) Histomorphological evaluation of mouse bearing colon tumor. a-d: normal colon mucosal with intact epithelium; e, f: colon carcinoma; g, h: mild injuries in colon; i: tissues damage (H&E staining, Magnification b, c, e ×10; a, d, f ×40). (C) Photomicrograph showing colon colorectal adenocarcinoma in LPS-treated groups. Microadenoma (a); invasive adenocarcinoma (b); tubular adenoma with inflammatory cells (c) and tumor buds (d). Black arrows-inflammatory cell infiltration within mucosa and pink arrows-inflammatory cell infiltration within submucosa; blue arrow-cancer cells, green arrows-crypt and goblet cell loss (H&E staining, Magnification ×40).