Fig. 1.
Biplot containing individuals (dots) and variables categories in two MCA dimensions. Blue filled dots denote individuals with very poor/poor/average quality of death whereas red filled dots patients with good or very good quality of death. MCA referred to nurses’ expectation about death (Not Expected, Moderately and Highly Expected) and nursing care interventions delivered or not (NO) to males (M) and females (F): anti-bedsore mattress (ABM; NO ABM), body hygiene care (BHC; NO BHC), oral hygiene care (OHC; NO OHC), artificial tears (AT; NO AT), tracheal suctioning (TS; NO TS), active mobilization (AM; NO AM) and vascular access management (VAM; NO VAM). Norton’s score is reported as “Low Norton” (≤ 12) and “High Norton” (≥ 13). Age is reported as quartiles: [30,72), [72, 83), [83,89), [89,102], where “(“…“)” and “[“… “]” denotes open and closed intervals. The Dim1 axis (i.e. “Pressure ulcer management”) is the first dimension along which the sample show the largest variation, whereas Dim2 (i.e., “Comfort”) is the second most important dimension, and it is orthogonal to the Dim1, which explain the 8.9% of variation in the data