Figure 6.
BLI and OE-MSOT responses to KGP265 were strongly correlated in different tumor types. (A) The tumor oxygen supply capacity is determined by the amplitude of the vascular response (ΔsO2) to the oxygen gas breathing challenge. A change in the ΔsO2 (ΔΔsO2) is indicative of vascular development or impairment and is shown for each tumor type with respect to the interventions at 2 and 24 h: RENCA tumors: saline control (yellow, n = 3) and KGP265 (grey n = 3) and 4T1 tumors: saline control (orange, n = 3) and KGP265 (blue, n = 4). Individual data points represent the mean ± SD. Fisher’s PLSD analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that 4T1 and RENCA tumors both showed a significantly reduced vascular response to the oxygen gas breathing challenge within 2 h (p < 0.0001) of the administration of KGP265, which remained depressed at 24 h (p < 0.001). ***, p < 0.001. (B) The corresponding relative BLI intensity changes observed for these tumors. Individual data points represent the mean ± SD. ANOVA based on Fisher’s PLSD indicated that the 4T1 and RENCA tumors both showed significantly reduced light emission within 2 h (p < 0.001), which remained significantly depressed at 24 h after the administration of KGP265 (p < 0.001).