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. 2021 Sep 24;18(19):10041. doi: 10.3390/ijerph181910041

Table 1.

Characteristics of violence studies.

Author Country Data Source Analyzed Period of Time Outcomes
Abuhammad 2020 [135] Jordan Online survey May 2020–July 2020 Increase in intimate partner violence (IPV) (40%). Only 10% of abused women had been abused before the quarantine.
Aolymat 2021 [136] Jordan Online survey September 2020 Increase in IPV (20.5%). Difficulties when accessing sexual and reproductive health services (increase from 35% to 41% when comparing pre- and post-pandemic periods)
Berniell and Facchini 2020 [137] Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; France; Germany, Italy; Mexico; United Kingdom; United States. Google search data;
Google mobility data
March to October 2020 31% increase in domestic violence against women.
Dai et al., 2021 [138] Hubei, China Police records January 2019 to June 2020 During the pre-pandemic period, 3.9% of all calls were related to IPV. During confinement, that percentage increased to 14.8% and 6.9%.
Fabri et al. [139] Nigeria; Mongolia; Suriname Face-to-face survey. Multiple indicator cluster surveys (MICS) of Nigeria (2016), Mongolia (2018), and Suriname (2018). Data collected from mothers or other caregivers during the pandemic. Findings evidence that the models predict large increases (35% to 46%) in violent discipline scores in “high restriction” scenarios and smaller increases (4% to 6%) in “low restriction” scenario scores.
Fereidooni et al., 2021 [140] Isfahan, Iran Survey data (face-to-face before the pandemic and by phone during the pandemic) Pre-pandemic and post-pandemic The prevalence of IPV (Intimate Partner Violence) during COVID-19 has increased from 54% (pre-pandemic) to 65 % (post-pandemic).
More than 25% of women reported the first incidence of IPV during COVID-19. The participation of women in paid employment decreases the probability of exposure to IPV.
Guglielmi et al., 2020 [141] Bangladesh (Rohingya and Bangladeshi teens) Telephone surveys of adolescents aged 10–14 and 15–19 (1761), qualitative interviews with adolescents aged 15–19 (30), and interviews with key informants (7) March 2020 to August 2020 8% of the adolescents surveyed (boys and girls) reported an increase in gender-based violence during the pandemic.
Around a third of boys and a fifth of girls living in the camps reported an escalation of violence by the police and military force to impose containment measures.
Married girls were twice as likely as single girls to report an increase in gender-based violence in the community. The pandemic has led to a decline in the reported health status of Rohingya adolescents, exacerbating food insecurity, educational and economic marginalization, and risks to physical integrity, both among girls and boys.
Mahmood et al., 2021 [142] Kurdistan region, Iraq Self-completed online questionnaire after COVID-19 confinement periods June 2020 Significant increases in violence were observed from the period before confinement to the period of confinement for any type of violence (32.1% to 38.7%), emotional abuse (29.5% to 35.0%), and physical violence (12.7% to 17.6%). Regarding emotional abuse, significant increases were observed in humiliation (24.6% to 28.3%) and intimidation (14.2% to 21.4) during confinement. Concerning physical violence, significant increases were observed in arm twisting or hair pulling (9.0% to 13.0%) and hitting (5.2% to 9.2%) during confinement. Forcing to have sex also increased significantly during confinement (6.6% to 9.5%).
Pattojoshi et al., 2020 [143] India Self-completed online questionnaire May 2020 The study reports an IPV rate of 18.1%, of which verbal and emotional violence was the most common, followed by physical and sexual violence. Approximately 5% of women reported experiencing violence for the first time since confinement began, and of those who reported experiencing it before, 78% reported an increase since confinement. The most commonly perceived reasons for violence were: unemployment, financial limitations, inability to socialize, staying at home (husband-forced), and sharing of childcare responsibilities.
Pinchoff et al., 2021 [144] Nairobi, Kenya Phone interviews April to June of 2020 A survey conducted in informal settlements. Results reported increases in violence against women inside (IPV) and outside the home (45% and 24%, respectively). 8% of women are more likely to report a higher risk of IPV (compared to men), particularly in households with greater food insecurity.
UNFPA et al., 2021 [145] Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore Social media data; internet search data; big data October 2019 to September 2020 Online misogyny increased during the lockdown in all countries examined. Online support and services for survivors increased as well. Online help-seeking increased by 10–70% in most countries.
Sharma and Khokhar 2021 [146] India Online survey April 2020 Approximately 7.4% had faced IPV during the confinement. 85.7% of people who faced IPV reported a higher frequency of IPV during confinement. 57% of the victims chose to ignore the situation or used meditation techniques to cope with the situation.
Egger et al., 2021 [147] 9 countries in Africa (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone), 3 in Asia (Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines), and one in Latin America (Colombia) Phone or cellphone survey April 2020 to June 2020 Decreases in employment and income were evidenced in all settings since March 2020. The proportion of households experiencing a drop in income ranged from 8% to 87% (median, 68%).
Coping strategies at home and government assistance were insufficient to maintain pre-crisis living standards, leading to widespread food insecurity and dire economic conditions even after three months of the crisis. Even in Colombia, the country in our sample with the highest GDP per capita and therefore potentially the greatest financial resources to deal with the crisis, the majority of respondents reported declines in income (87%) and employment (49%) and an increase in food insecurity (59%).
Venter et al., 2020 [148] Johannesburg, Southe Africa Review of medical records June 2019 to June 2020 25% decrease in trauma due to interpersonal violence between 2019 and 2020. Decrease of 40% in secondary traumas and traffic accidents between 2019 and 2020.
Agüero (2021) [149] Peru Telephone records of the IVP helpline April to July 2020. Almost 60% of women had experienced violence before COVID-19. The incidence rate of calls increased by 48% between April and July 2020, with effects increasing over time. The increase in calls was found in all Peruvian states.