NCL targeting by N6L decreases the translation of mRNAs encoding the canonical subunits of EiF3 factor, Eif3a, and Eif3c. (A)—Translation Index (T.I) for eukaryote initiator factors (eIF) mRNA under N6L treatment. (B–E)—mPDAC cells were treated (T) or not (NT) with N6L for 48 h, following which EiF3 subunits protein expression was analyzed using Western blotting (B,D) and quantified in relation to actin (C,E). (F)—Validation of relative eIF3a and eIF3c expression using RT-QPCR in mPDAC treated or not with N6L after normalization to the actin housekeeping gene. p < 0.05; and n.s. for not statistically significant, as determined by Student t-test on final data point.