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. 2021 Oct 12;49(6):1277–1287. doi: 10.1007/s15010-021-01707-5

Table 1.

Contents of baseline examination (≥ 6 months after infection)

Target/domain Instrument/device
Interdisciplinary modules
 Self-administered questionnaires Socio-demographic/economic factors
Tobacco and alcohol consumption
Lifestyle (physical activity, nutrition)
Sleeping habits PSQI
Pandemic-related behaviour and worries
Depression PHQ-8
Anxiety GAD-7
Trauma, stress ITQ, PSS, BRS
Quality of life, health status EQ-5D-5L
Social network 6-ILS
COVID-19 symptoms
 Medical interview (conducted by physician or nurse)

Medical history, including:

 Cardiovascular/cerebrovascular disease

 Metabolic disease

 Neurological and psychiatric disorders

 Musculoskeletal disorders

 Infectious disease

 Rheumatic disease


 Medication, vaccination

 COVID-19 treatment

Organ modules
 Anthropometry Size, weight Measuring tape, stick
Body composition Bioelectrical impedance scale SECA mBCA 515, BIACORPUS RX Spectral, NutriBox Fa. Data Input
Vital signs (blood pressure and heart rate, temperature) Omron HEM 705 IT, boso carat professional, pulox PO-300 Finter Pulsoxymeter Univerhealth infrared-thermometer, in-ear thermometer
 Cardiology/angiology Symptoms
Heart failure KCCQ

Echocardiography, including:

 Cardiac structure and dimensions

 Valve function

 Pump function

 Wall movement

 Relaxation dysfunction

Vivid E95, Philips Epic Cx
Carotid intima-media-thickness* Vivid E95
Electrocardiogram GE Healthcare Cardio Soft V6.73, Schiller AT-2
 Chemosensorics Olfactory and gustatory function* Self-MOQ, QOD, SNOT-22
Sensoric function: identification, discrimination* and threshold* Sniffin’ sticks and taste strips tests (Burghart Messtechnik GmbH)
Nasal endoscopy* Karl Storz TELE
Inspection of oral cavity* PACK + Endoscope
 Hepatology* Liver-check-up
Sonography and elastography of liver FibroScan®, Canon Aplio i800
 Neurology Symptoms after infection
Basic neurological examination (efferent and afferent nerve fibers, basal ganglia, cerebellum)* Rydell Seiffer Tuning Fork, Coroflex Reflex Hammer, Diagnostic Lamp
Grip strength* Patterson Medical Jamar® Plus Hand Dynamometer
Fatigue screening FACIT-F, MFI, PVT*
Global cognitive screening MoCA
 Geriatrics* Motoric function Timed ‘up and go’ test, 6-min-walking test, trail making test A/B, hand grip force
Function and disability CFS, LLFDI, DIA-S
 Pneumology Dyspnoe and breathing mMRC, MDP, ACT, CAT, PROMIS-Dyspnea
Physical activity GPAQ

Lung function:

 Body plethysmography


 Diffusion gas

 Oxygen saturation

 Airwave oscillometry


Vyaire Vyntus ONE Bodyplethysmograph including diffusing capacity unit, radiometer ABL80 Flex CO-OX, THORASYS tremoFlo C-100, Circassia NIOX VERO
 Laboratory Routine laboratory
Immunological, endocrinological, myocardic laboratory
SARS-CoV-2 antibody and PCR testing
Study biomaterials samples

FeNO fraction of nitric oxide in exhaled breath, PSQI Pittsburgh sleep quality index, PHQ-8 patient health questionnaire, GAD-7 generalized anxiety disorder, ITQ international trauma questionnaire, PSS perceived stress scale, BRS brief resilience scale, EQ-5D-5L 5-level EuroQol five dimensions, 6-ILS 6-item loneliness scale, KCCQ Kansas City cardiomyopathy questionnaire, Self-MOQ self-reported mini olfactory questionnaire, QOD questionnaire of olfactory disorders, SNOT-22 sino-nasal outcome test, FACIT-F functional assessment of chronic illness therapy-fatigue, MFI multidimensional fatigue inventory, MoCA montreal cognitive assessment, CFS clinical frailty scale, LLFDI late life function and disability index, PVT psychomotor vigilance test, DIA-S depression-im-alter-skala (depression in elderly), mMRC modified medical research council questionnaire for assessing the severity of breathlessness, MDP multidimensional dyspnea profile, ACT asthma control test, CAT COPD assessment test, PROMIS patient-reported outcomes measurement information system, GPAQ global physical activity questionnaire

*Additional data element, not being collected across all sites