Table 1.
Contents of baseline examination (≥ 6 months after infection)
Target/domain | Instrument/device | |
Interdisciplinary modules | ||
Self-administered questionnaires | Socio-demographic/economic factors | |
Tobacco and alcohol consumption | ||
Lifestyle (physical activity, nutrition) | ||
Sleeping habits | PSQI | |
Pandemic-related behaviour and worries | ||
Depression | PHQ-8 | |
Anxiety | GAD-7 | |
Trauma, stress | ITQ, PSS, BRS | |
Quality of life, health status | EQ-5D-5L | |
Social network | 6-ILS | |
COVID-19 symptoms | ||
Medical interview (conducted by physician or nurse) |
Medical history, including: Cardiovascular/cerebrovascular disease Metabolic disease Neurological and psychiatric disorders Musculoskeletal disorders Infectious disease Rheumatic disease Operations Medication, vaccination COVID-19 treatment |
Organ modules | ||
Anthropometry | Size, weight | Measuring tape, stick |
Body composition | Bioelectrical impedance scale SECA mBCA 515, BIACORPUS RX Spectral, NutriBox Fa. Data Input | |
Vital signs (blood pressure and heart rate, temperature) | Omron HEM 705 IT, boso carat professional, pulox PO-300 Finter Pulsoxymeter Univerhealth infrared-thermometer, in-ear thermometer | |
Cardiology/angiology | Symptoms | |
Heart failure | KCCQ | |
Echocardiography, including: Cardiac structure and dimensions Valve function Pump function Wall movement Relaxation dysfunction |
Vivid E95, Philips Epic Cx | |
Carotid intima-media-thickness* | Vivid E95 | |
Electrocardiogram | GE Healthcare Cardio Soft V6.73, Schiller AT-2 | |
Chemosensorics | Olfactory and gustatory function* | Self-MOQ, QOD, SNOT-22 |
Sensoric function: identification, discrimination* and threshold* | Sniffin’ sticks and taste strips tests (Burghart Messtechnik GmbH) | |
Nasal endoscopy* | Karl Storz TELE | |
Inspection of oral cavity* | PACK + Endoscope | |
Hepatology* | Liver-check-up | |
Sonography and elastography of liver | FibroScan®, Canon Aplio i800 | |
Neurology | Symptoms after infection | |
Basic neurological examination (efferent and afferent nerve fibers, basal ganglia, cerebellum)* | Rydell Seiffer Tuning Fork, Coroflex Reflex Hammer, Diagnostic Lamp | |
Grip strength* | Patterson Medical Jamar® Plus Hand Dynamometer | |
Fatigue screening | FACIT-F, MFI, PVT* | |
Global cognitive screening | MoCA | |
Geriatrics* | Motoric function | Timed ‘up and go’ test, 6-min-walking test, trail making test A/B, hand grip force |
Function and disability | CFS, LLFDI, DIA-S | |
Pneumology | Dyspnoe and breathing | mMRC, MDP, ACT, CAT, PROMIS-Dyspnea |
Physical activity | GPAQ | |
Lung function: Body plethysmography Spirometry Diffusion gas Oxygen saturation Airwave oscillometry FeNO |
Vyaire Vyntus ONE Bodyplethysmograph including diffusing capacity unit, radiometer ABL80 Flex CO-OX, THORASYS tremoFlo C-100, Circassia NIOX VERO | |
Laboratory | Routine laboratory | |
Immunological, endocrinological, myocardic laboratory | ||
SARS-CoV-2 antibody and PCR testing | ||
Study biomaterials samples |
FeNO fraction of nitric oxide in exhaled breath, PSQI Pittsburgh sleep quality index, PHQ-8 patient health questionnaire, GAD-7 generalized anxiety disorder, ITQ international trauma questionnaire, PSS perceived stress scale, BRS brief resilience scale, EQ-5D-5L 5-level EuroQol five dimensions, 6-ILS 6-item loneliness scale, KCCQ Kansas City cardiomyopathy questionnaire, Self-MOQ self-reported mini olfactory questionnaire, QOD questionnaire of olfactory disorders, SNOT-22 sino-nasal outcome test, FACIT-F functional assessment of chronic illness therapy-fatigue, MFI multidimensional fatigue inventory, MoCA montreal cognitive assessment, CFS clinical frailty scale, LLFDI late life function and disability index, PVT psychomotor vigilance test, DIA-S depression-im-alter-skala (depression in elderly), mMRC modified medical research council questionnaire for assessing the severity of breathlessness, MDP multidimensional dyspnea profile, ACT asthma control test, CAT COPD assessment test, PROMIS patient-reported outcomes measurement information system, GPAQ global physical activity questionnaire
*Additional data element, not being collected across all sites