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. 2021 Oct 1;22(19):10675. doi: 10.3390/ijms221910675

Table 2.

Summary of the main preclinical findings of the respective micronutrients with reference to the individual organs. Main categories of outcomes are presented in bold.

Micronutrient Organ Species Route of
ALA Kidney rat
i.p. [23,24,25,26] organ function [24]
decreased expression of aquaporins and sodium transporters [23,26]
preserved kidney function (decreased creatin and urea levels) [23,26]
anti-inflammatory effects [23]
antioxidative effects [25]
endothelium protective activity (eNOS increased, ET-1 decreased) [24]
synergistic effects with XO inhibitor febuxostat [25]
Liver rat [29,30,31,33,34] i.v. [29,31]
i.p. [30,33,34]
preservation of tissue integrity
reduced levels of LDH [29], ALT [30,31], AST [30]
increased ATP content [30]
increased survival of animals [33,34]
anti-apoptotic effects
downregulation of proapoptotic proteins [33,34]
anti-inflammatory effects
inhibition of NFκB [29,31]
reduced secretion of proinflammatory cytokines [30]
anti-oxidative effects
increased endogenous antioxidants [29,31]
reduced activity of prooxidant enzymes [30]
effects were mainly mediated via PI3K/Akt axis [29]
Heart rat [36,37,38,39,40,41]
pig [42]
p.o [36,40,42]
i.v. [37]
i.p. [38]
ex vivo [39,41]
enhanced graft survival [36]
reduced LDH and CK release [37,38]
decreased infarct size [37]
anti-oxidative and anti-toxicity effect
induction of ALDH2 expression (detoxification of aldehydes) [39]
preserved cardiac function [40]
decreased number of arrythmias [41]
improved coronary flow [40]
increased peak arterial pressure [40]
inhibition of NFκB and ERK [42]
anti-arrhythmic effects
activation of K-dependent ATPase by release of H2S [41]
activation of PI3K/Akt/Nrf2/HO-1 pathway [37]
Astaxanthin Kidney in vitro [52]
mouse [52]
rats [53]
p.o. [52,53] anti-oxidative effects [52]
protection against H2O2-induced cell death [52]
increased SOD [52,53]
decreased MDA [52,53]
decreased total thiols and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanoside [53]
graft function
improved serum levels of urea nitrogen and creatinine [52]
improved histopathologic scores [52]
anti-apoptotic effects
decrease of caspase (3, 8, 9) [53]
anti-inflammatory effects
decreased levels of TNF-a and IL-6 [53]
Liver rats [54]
mouse [55,56]
intragastric intubation [54]
p.o. [55,56]
antioxidative effects
reduced levels of xanthine oxidase [54]
reduced tissue protein carbonyl levels [54]
reduced level of oxidative stress [55]
tissue preservation
reduction of histopathologic scoring [54]
anti-apoptotic [55,56]
induction of autophagy [56]
decreased level of necrosis [55]
anti-inflammatory effects
decreased level of macrophage infiltration [55]
Heart rabbit [58]
mouse [59]
in vitro [60]
i.v. [58]
p.o. [59]
graft function
reduced infarct size [58,59]
reduced inflammation and myocardial injury [58]
anti-inflammatory effects
inhibition of complement activation [58]
antioxidative effects
improved mitochondrial parameters [59]
cell protection [60]
CoQ10 Kidney rat [62,63,64,65] i.m. [62]
p.o. [65]
i.p. [64]
improved organ function
increased survival rate [62]
improved kidney function [63]
improved histopathological scores [64]
improved renal morphology [65]
decreased blood urea nitrogen [65]
enhanced rate of ATP resynthesis [62]
anti-oxidative effects
decreased NO-levels [65]
decreased MDA levels [65]
improved SOD activity [65]
anti-inflammatory effects
decreased levels of TNF-α [65]
Liver rat [66,67,69,70,71,72]
mouse [68]
i.v. [66,68,71]
i.p. [70]
p.o. [67,69]
improved organ function
decreased activities of serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase [66]
decreased activity of serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase [66]
increased survival rate [66,72]
increased level of total protein [66]
improved histopathology [67]
reduced serum ALT levels [68]
anti-oxidative effects [67]
increased levels of glutathione [69,71]
decreased MDA levels [69]
protection of endogenous CoQ10 levels [70,71]
improved mitochondrial function [70]
anti-apoptotic effects
reduced biomarkers of apoptosis [67]
Heart rat [85,86,87,90]
pig [88]
rabbit [89]
i.m. [85]
i.p. [85]
i.v. [86,87,90]
p.o. [88]
intracardial injection [89]
improved energy metabolism
increase of aerobic energy production [85]
preservation/delay of aerobic efficiency [85]
preservation of mitochondrial function [90]
improved organ function [87]
improved myocardial function [86]
decreased oxidative injury [86]
reduced cardiac stunning time [88]
reduced area of infarction risk [89]
Curcumin Kidney rats [96]
mouse [96]
i.p. [96]
i.v. [96]
p.o. [96]
anti-inflammatory effects [96]
inhibition of NFκB [96]
inhibition of NMDA [96]
induction of Nrf2 pathway [96]
anti-apoptotic effects [96]
inhibition of caspase 3 [96]
induction of NO/cGMP/PKG pathway [96]
antifibrotic effects [96]
activation of APPL [96]
inhibition of Akt [96]
Liver mouse [108]
rat [109,110,111,112,113,114,116]
in vitro [114,115]
i.p. [108]
p.o. [109,110]
i.v. [111,113]
preservation solution [116]
prevention of liver injury [108,109,110,111]
attenuated liver enzymes AST, ALT [112,113]
restoration of ATP content [110]
protection against injury during warm und cold storage [116]
increased survival [116]
anti-inflammatory effects
reduced expression of proinflammatory cytokines [114]
reduced expression of adhesion molecules [113,115]
anti-inflammatory priming of Kupffer cells [108]
inhibition of NFκB [114]
lower pulmonary levels of TNFα and MMP-9 activity [112]
antioxidative effects
activation of antioxidant enzymes [112]
upregulation of HO-1 [111]
Hsp70 expression [111]
Heart rat [128,129,130,131,135,280]
in vitro [129,134,137,138]
mouse [132,133]
intracardial injection [128]
perfusion solution [129,280]
p.o. [130,132,133,135]
i.p. [131]
improved organ function
restoration of organ function [128,129,130]
attenuation of cardiac lesions [131,132,133]
amelioration of cold-storage induced damage [134]
anti-apoptotic effects [128,132,135]
anti-inflammatory effects [132]
anti-oxidative effects [132,137,138]
activation of JAK2/STAT3 pathway [128,133,280]
downregulation of Notch1 pathway [138]
Glycine Kidney ex vivo [141,142]
rat [140,144,145]
in vitro [143]
preservation solution [140,141,142]
i.p. [145]
p.o. [144]
improved organ function
reduced cellular damage (LDH release and alkaline phosphatase) [140,142,143]
protection against IR injury [141]
no effect on regeneration of ATP content or mitochondrial function [142]
cell protection (reduced LDH release)
improved glomerular filtration rate [144]
reduced urinary LDH [144]
Liver rat [148,281] p.o. [281]
perfusion solution [148]
improved organ function
reduced liver injury [281]
anti-inflammatory effects
inhibition of Kupffer cell activation [148]
Heart rat [155]
pig [156]
p.o. [155]
i.v. [156]
improved organ function
decreased intimal and medial thickening [155]
inhibition of proliferation and migration of VSMC [155]
increased volume load [156]
increased postischemic right ventricular end-diastolic compliance [156]
no effect on maximal right ventricular developed pressure [156]
anti-inflammatory effects
reduced infiltration of macrophages [155]
n3-PUFA Kidney mouse [162]
rat [163,164,165]
p.o. [162,163,164,165] improved organ function
preserved tubular integrity [162]
less histologic damage [163]
improved renal function [165]
anti-oxidative effects [163,164]
anti-apoptotic effects [164]
Liver rat [177,180]
mouse [179]
in vitro [181]
p.o. [177,180]
i.v. [179]
improved organ function
hepatic tissue protection [177,179,180]
anti-inflammatory effects [180,181]
inhibition of NFκB by activation of PPARα [180]
inhibition of NFκB by activation of PI3K/Akt [181]
inhibition of TLR4 recruitment [177]
Heart mouse [183,184]
rat [185]
i.p. [183,184]
p.o. [185]
improved organ function
increased graft survival [183,184]
anti-inflammatory effects
shift towards Treg via activation of PPARγ [183,184]
inhibition of macrophage recruitment [185]
inhibition of MCP-1/IP-10 [185]
NAC Kidney - - -
Liver - - -
Heart rat [202] i.v. [202] improved organ function
improved shortening of isograft [202]
decreased serum LDH [202]
improved liver biomarkers (AST, ALT) [202]
anti-inflammatory effects
decreased serum TNFα [202]
decreased serum IL-1 [202]
anti-oxidative stress
increased SOD activity [202]
increased SOD/LPO [202]
Quercetin Kidney rat [91,98,99,100,101]
pig [97]
in vitro [102]
mouse [103]
i.p. [91,98,99,100,101,103]
preservation solution [97]
anti-oxidative effects [91,97,98,99]
decrease of TBARS [100]
decreased MDA [101]
increased level of antioxidant enzymes [101]
anti-inflammatory effects [91,99]
anti-apoptotic effects [99,102]
induction of autophagy [103]
Liver rat [98,104,105,107]
mouse [106]
i.p. [98,104]
p.o. [106]
i.m. [107]
improved organ function
improved level of liver enzymes AST, ALT [98,104]
attenuation of liver injury [98]
anti-oxidative effects [104,105]
anti-apoptotic and anti-autophagy effects [106]
downregulation of ERK/NFκB [98]
synergistic effects with remote ischemic reperfusion preconditioning [98]
synergistic effects with Fe2+ chelator desferrioxamine [107]
Heart rat [117,120,121,122,123,124,282]
in vitro [118,119,121,283]
ex vivo [118]
mouse [119]
preservation solution [117,118]
i.p. [119]
p.o. [119,120,123,124,282]
improved organ function
improved cardiac flow [117]
alleviated cardiac dysfunction [118]
decreased infarct size [119,121,122]
anti-oxidative effects
improved mitochondrial function [124]
activation of JAK2/STAT3 pathway [282]
activation of PI3K/Akt pathway [118]
inhibition of HMGB1 pathway [121]
upregulation of PKCε [283]
anti-apoptotic effects
inhibition of SIRT1/PGCα signaling [123]
anti-inflammatory effects
inhibition of NFκB [119]
activation of PPARγ [119]
Resveratrol Kidney pig [210]
rat [211,212,213,214,215,216,284,285]
in vitro [216]
preservation solution [210]
i.p. [213,216,285]
i.v. [211,215]
p.o. [212,214,284]
improved organ function [212,214]
improved glomerular filtration [210]
improved proximal tubular function [210]
slowed chronic loss of function [210]
slowed chronic onset of histological lesions [210]
reduced mortality [211]
attenuation of increased serum urea [213]
reduced creatinine levels [211]
improved organ morphology [210,211,214]
attenuated interstitial fibrosis [210]
attenuated tubular atrophy [210]
preservation of glomerular number reduction [213]
preservation of glomerular collapse [215]
anti-oxidative effects [210,212,216]
restoration of antioxidant enzyme pool [214]
decreased levels of MDA [284]
decreased levels of TBARS [214]
decreased levels of lipid peroxidation products [211]
increased levels of GSH [284,285]
increased levels of NO [211,214,285]
anti-apoptotic effects [210]
Nrf2/TLR4/caspase 3 axis [212]
induction of autophagy via SIRT-1 [216]
anti-inflammatory effects [212]
Liver rat [219,220,221,222,223,224,225]
mouse [218]
preservation solution [223]
reperfusion solution [223]
i.p. [218,222]
i.v. [219,220,221,224,225]
improved organ function
decreased plasma aminotransferase activity [219]
reduced levels of histological liver injury [219]
improved bile production [220]
improved portal vein flow volume [220]
preserved sinusoidal endothelial cells [220]
ameliorated ATP levels [220]
decreased VEGF [224]
anti-oxidative effects
inhibition of lipid peroxidation [223]
protection of mitochondria [223]
reduced levels of MDA [219]
increased levels of GPx [219]
increased levels of CAT [219]
expression of Txnip [221]
reduced expression of thioredoxin [221]
attenuation of GSH depletion [225]
increased GSH reductase [225]
increased SOD [219,225]
attenuation of HIF-1α [224]
anti-inflammatory effects
decreased levels of TNFα [218,220]
suppressed leucocyte infiltration [218]
decreased levels of IFNγ [218]
increases apoptosis of anti-graft lymphocytes [222]
anti-apoptotic effects
reduction of apoptotic and necrotic markers [223]
reduced release of cytochrome C [223]
Heart rat [227,228,229,230,231,232,233] perfusion solution [228,233]
i.v. [229,230,232]
i.p. [231]
p.o. [227]
improved organ function [228,232]
reduced rhythm disturbances [231]
anti-apoptotic effects [227,229]
reduced infarct size [227,228,229,230,231]
reduced levels of LDH [230,231,232]
reduced levels of CK [231,232]
alleviated myocardial injury [233]
anti-oxidative effects
increased expression of Nrf2 [232]
increased expression of HO-1 [232,233]
enhanced activity of SOD and GPx [232]
reduced levels of superoxide [227,232]
reduced levels of MDA [232]
suppression of myeloperoxidase [229]
anti-inflammatory effects
attenuation of TLR4 and NFκB expression [229]
reduced activation of iNOS [231]
reduced generation of TNFα [230]
improved endothelial function
increased VEGF-B [227]
increased p-eNOS [226,227,230]
increased NO-production [226]
Sulforaphane Kidney in vitro [234]
rat [234,235,236]
i.v. [234,235,236] improved organ function
reduced cellular toxicity [234]
induction of phase II enzymes [234]
reduced renal injury [234,236]
improved histopathologic scoring [234]
lower blood urea nitrogen levels [236]
decreased serum creatinine levels [236]
improved kidney function [235]
anti-oxidative effects
inhibition of lipid peroxidation products [234]
preservation of mitochondrial microstructure [236]
increase of SOD-2 expression [236]
anti-inflammatory effects [235]
anti-apoptotic effects [235]
Liver mouse [239]
rat [240,241,242]
i.p. [240,241,242]
p.o. [241]
improved organ function
decreased levels of liver enzymes (AST and ALT) [239,240,242]
decreased tissue injury [239,240,241]
anti-inflammatory effects
decreased levels of TNFα [239]
decreased levels of IL-6 [239]
anti-oxidative effects
trend towards increased Nrf2-related transcription products [239]
improved total antioxidant capacity [241]
improved total antioxidant status [241]
decreased levels of MDA [240]
decreased levels of MPO [240]
improved activity of SOD [240,242]
improved levels of GSH [240,242]
improved activity of GPx [240,242]
increased expression of Nqo1 [240]
increased expression of Nrf2 [240]
increased expression of HO-1 [240]
induction of Nrf2 pathway [242]
anti-apoptotic effects [240]
Heart rat [243,246,247,249]
mouse [244]
p.o. [246]
i.p. [244,245,247]
i.v. [243]
intracardial injection [248,249]
improved organ function
less post-ischemic myocardial infarction [246]
decreased cardiomyocyte apoptosis [246]
expression of phase II enzymes [246]
increased graft survival [245]
decreased levels of TnT, CK, CK-MB and LDH [243]
improved liver function (decreased levels of AST and ALT) [243]
improved graft function [243,244]
improved survival [243]
anti-apoptotic effects
decreased markers of apoptosis (caspase 3) [243,244]
increased expression of SIRT1 [248,249]
antioxidative effects
decreased oxidative stress [247]
no effect on CAT [247]
no effect on GPx [247]
Vitamin C Kidney rat [254,256]
mouse [255]
i.v. [254]
p.o. [255]
i.p. [256]
anti-oxidative effects [254]
anti-inflammatory effects [254]
restoration of endogenous antioxidant capacity [255]
improved graft function [256]
Liver rat [261,263] i.v. [261]
i.p. [263]
improved organ function
improved liver function biomarkers (ALT, AST) [261]
mitochondrial health
improved glutamate dehydrogenase activity [261]
anti-oxidative effects [263]
Heart mouse [279] preservation solution [279] graft protection [279]