The number of colorectal adenomas were reduced in Genz-treated mice. (A) Ki67 staining indicated proliferative cells in colons of mice. Both Genz-treated mice and controls developed predominantly adenomas with its typical polypoid-like shape (A,B, middle images) and only low numbers of adenocarcinomas (A,B, lower images). However, Genz-feeding markedly reduced the number of adenomas as compared to chow-fed controls (B). (C) The number of Ki67 positive cells in the colorectal parts of the colons was lower in crypts of Genz-treated mice as compared to controls; each data point represents mean numbers of Ki67 positive cells of approximately 50 crypts per mouse. Counted were positive cells only from completely vertically cut villi apart from the tumor areas; significances are *, p ≤ 0.05; ***, p < 0.001. (D, F4/80) Both Genz-fed mice and controls lacked macrophage infiltrations in the tumor but showed an enrichment in peritumoral areas. (D, CD3) Only a few cells stained positive with the T cell marker CD3; T, tumor area. Genz treatment did not lead to increased apoptosis (D, TUNEL); a few cells with smaller nuclei than epithelial cells stained positive in tumors of treated mice and controls; scale bars, 100 µM.