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. 2021 Sep 26;10(19):4406. doi: 10.3390/jcm10194406

Table 2.

Principles of treatment of ACLF [3]. ICA, International Club of Ascites; AKI, acute kidney injury; HRS, hepatorenal syndrome; RRT, renal replacement therapy; LT, liver transplantation; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; MAP, mean arterial pressure; SBP, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis; LVP, large volume paracentesis; DVT deep-vein thrombosis; PaO2 FiO2 SpO2 ACLF, acute-on-chronic liver failure.

Kidney Circulation Coagulation Lung Brain Infections
Assess AKI severity using ICA Criteria * Taper/withdraw from diuretics and beta-blockers, withdraw from nephrotoxic drugs Assess hemodynamic state early; consider a MAP ≥ 65 mmHg as target Assess complete blood count and coagulation tests Assess respiratory state by using also imaging techniques Calculate PaO2/FiO2 or SpO2/FiO2 Assess hepatic encephalopathy using West Haven criteria. Identify and treat the underlying cause Perform a complete work up for infection at ACLF diagnosis
Administer albumin (1 g/kg for 48 h) if AKI stage > 1a * to volume expansion; if HRS-AKI, administer terlipressin by continuos infusion (2 mg/24 h) and albumin (20/40 g/day) Administer crystalloids and 5% albumin as resuscitation fluids;
norephinephrine as first line vasopressor
Administer platelets (if < 20.000 × 109/L) and fibrinogen (if <1 g/L) if invasive procedures Administer oxygen and ventilation with lung protective strategy Administer lactulose and enemas for hepatic encephalopathy. Administer broad spectrum high-dose antibiotics at ACLF diagnosis and frequently re-assess therapy
Consider RRT as bridge to LT Consider 20% albumin if AKI (see Kidney), SBP, LVP; consider terlipressin if additional agent needed Consider prophylaxis for DVT in patients without severe coagulopathy Consider intubation if risk of aspiration (West Haven grade III or IV hepatic encephalopathy) Consider short-acting sedative agents if necessary Consider antifungal agents if risk factors for fungal infections
Avoid NSAIDs Avoid starches Avoid fresh frozen plasma to correct INR if no bleeding Avoid delay in intubation even if normal blood oxygen level Avoid deep sedation and benzodiazepines Avoid delay in antibiotics administration

* See ref. [34].