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. 2021 Sep 8;28(11):2502ā€“2513. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocab123

Table 1.

Studies reporting effects of nursing DSSs on decision making, care delivery, and patient outcomes (nā€‰=ā€‰28)

Author, year Study design Study dates User group Setting Sample size Target population Purpose of DSS Stages of human information processing automated
Steps of nursing care process
Ajay et al, 201639 Quasi experimental 1 Dec 2012 to 21 Aug 2014 RNs Long term: community health centers
  • 22 009 patients

  • 5 CHCs

Patients above the age of 30 y, who attended participating community health centers Nursing care plan for noncommunicable diseases Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Bakken et al, 201418 RCT Not mentioned NPs Both
  • 363 NP students,

  • 34 349 unique encounters

Patients attending NP clinics Reminds nurses to screen patients, formulate nursing care plans. Y Y Y Y Y Y
Barken et al, 201738 Descriptive Oct 2015 to Feb 2016 RNs Short term: telemedicine
  • 3 nurses

  • 60 h observation

Telemedicine nurses Triage assessment and recommendation Y Y Y Y Y Y
Bennett et al, 201628 Quasi experimental
  • Preimplementation: 1 Apr 2009 to 31 Mar 2010

  • Postimplementation:

  • 1 Apr 2011 to 31 Mar 2012

RNs Short term: emergency department 800 patient records (400 pre and 400 post)
  • Patients with confirmed neutropenia who

  • attended emergency department

Triage assessment and recommendation Y Y Y Y Y Y
Boltin et al, 201829 Quasi experimental

April 2017

Simulated event

RNs Short term: emergency department

13 registered nurses

296 simulated patient encounters

Mass casualty victims (all age) Triage assessment and recommendation Y Y Y Y Y
Bowles et al, 201522 Quasi experimental
  • Preimplementation (control phase): 3 wk

  • Postimplementation (experiment): 4 wk

RNs Short term: adult inpatient
  • 6 hospital units

  • Control phase: 2816 assessments

  • Experiment phase: 3450 assessments

Adult patients admitted in and discharged alive from participating units Risk assessment and recommendation for discharge outcomes Y Y Y Y Y Y
Chunmei et al, 201823 Quasi experimental Year 2017. Duration not mentioned RNs Short term: adult inpatient 600 patient records (300 pre implementation, 300 post imp) Adult inpatients Risk assessment and management recommendations Y Y Y Y Y
Ciqueto Peres et al, 201524 Descriptive 1 Jan 2011 to 31 Dec 2012 RNs Short term: adult inpatient
  • 337, 056 admissions

  • 18 RNs

Patients admitted to medical and surgical units Nursing problem assessment Y Y Y Y Y
Cortez and Wells, 201636 RCT
  • 11 wk

  • (dates not mentioned)

RNs Short term: adult outpatient
  • 4 oncology clinics

  • 50 nurses (24 control. 26 intervention)

Adult oncology nurses Recommends interventions for common symptoms Y Y Y Y Y
Dallaire and Cossi, 201537 RCT
  • 3 mo

  • (dates not mentioned)

RNs Short term: ambulance 806 patients (396 control, 410 intervention) Older adults who called for ambulance Triage assessment and recommendation Y Y Y Y
Dehgani Soufi et al, 201830 Quasi experimental Not mentioned RNs Short term: emergency department
  • 10 nurses (5 in each group)

  • 537 patients

Triage patients in emergency department Triage assessment and recommendation Y Y Y Y Y
Febretti et al, 201443 Quasi experimental Not mentioned RNs Long term: palliative care 24 nurses End-of-life care patients Recommends intervention for pain management. Y Y Y Y Y
Geurts et al, 201731 RCT May 2010 to Dec 2012 RNs Short term: emergency department 222 patients (103 intervention, 109 control) Children aged between 1 mo and 5 y, presenting in ED with acute vomiting and/or diarrhea Assess and recommends rehydration interventions Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Harless, 201619 Quasi experimental
  • Preimplementation start date: 15 Jun 2015

  • Postimplementation start date: 15 Sep 2015

NPs Short term: adult outpatient
  • 31 patients

  • 2 NPs

Patients over age 18 y, who presented at NP clinic with complain of nonspecific low back pain Assessment and recommendations for functional outcomes Y Y Y Y Y Y
Horner and Coleman, 201421 Quasi experimental
  • 9 mo

  • (Dates not mentioned)

Registered nurses and midwives Short term: Community health centres
  • 3 clinics

  • 900 patients

  • 3 RNs

Antenatal patients Perinatal risk assessment and management recommendations Y Y Y Y Y Y
Kihlgren et al, 201632 Quasi experimental Not mentioned RNs Short term: Emergency Department 281 patients assessed with DSS Older people Triage older people with health deterioration Y Y Y Y
Lytle et al, 201525 Quasi experimental
  • Preimplementation: Oct 2012 to May 2013

  • Postimplementation: Aug 2013 to Jan 2014

RNs Short term: Adult inpatient
  • 2-16 hospital units

  • 60 patients per unit

Adult inpatients in medical and surgical units Alerts nurses to complete fall risk assessments and documentation Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mahabee-Gittens et al, 201833 Quasi experimental 3 mo starting Nov 2015 RNs Short term: Urgent care
  • 35 nurses

  • 14, 218 patient visits

Pediatric urgent care nurses Screening and counseling for caregivers who smoke Y Y Y Y Y
McDonald et al, 201641 RCT Not mentioned RNs Long term: home care
  • 7919 patients

  • 500 nurses (335 control, 165 intervention)

Home health patients with high medication regimen complexity Identify patients with high medication regimen complexity and offers management module Y Y Y Y Y Y
McLeod et al, 202034 Observational

Preimplementation: Jul to Sep 2016

Postimplementation: Jun 2017 to Dec 2018

RNs Short term: Emergency Department

7 Eds

1491 triage assessments

Triage patients in emergency department Triage assessment and recommendation Y Y Y Y Y Y
Olsho et al, 201444 Quasi experimental 12 mo RNs Long term: Nursing homes
  • 12 nursing homes in experiment group

  • 13 nursing homes in control group

Nursing home residents Risk assessment Y Y Y Y Y
Reynolds et al, 201926 Quasi experimental 1 y RNs Short term: Intensive care unit 64 nurses, 2 sites Pediatric nurses Medication dose calculation Y Y Y
Tang et al, 201945 Quasi experimental Jan 2017 to Jun 2017 RNs Long term: Nursing homes 60 admission nurses, 30 patients. Elderly patients with chronic diseases admitted to nursing homes Formulate nursing care plans Y Y Y Y Y
Telford et al, 201827 Observational 1 May 2015 to 15 Dec 2015 RNs Short term: Intensive care unit
  • 48 patients

  • 1640 blood glucose values

ICU patients receiving insulin infusion Medication dose calculation Y Y Y Y
Thoma-Lurken et al, 201840 RCT Jan to May 2017 RNs Long term: Community 67 nurses Care coordinator nurses in community based dementia care Risk assessment and management recommendations Y Y Y Y Y
Topaz et al, 201842 Quasi experimental (Pilot) Apr-May 2016 RNs Long term: Home care 176 patients (90 control, 86 experimental) Patients transitioning from hospital to home care Generates priority score Y Y Y Y Y
Vetter, 201520 Quasi experimental 3 mo NPs Long term: Home care
  • 7 NPs

  • 39 patient records

Chronically ill homebound patients with complex, comorbid conditions Recommends diagnosis and ICD code Y Y Y Y
Wouters et al, 202035 Descriptive Jul 2016 to Jul 2018 RNs Short term: Emergency Department 24 nurses Telephone triage nurses Telephone triage assessment and recommendation Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

A: assessment; AI: action implementation; CHC: community health centre; DS: decision selection; dSS: decision support system; E: evaluation; I: intervention; IA: information acquisition; Ian: information analysis; ICD: International Classification of Diseases; ICU: intensive care unit; NP: nurse practitioner; P: plan; PI: problem identification; RCT: randomized controlled trial; RN: registered nurse; Y: yes.