Figure 1.
H3f3bK36M-flox/+; Prx1-Cre mice display a dwarfism-like phenotype
(a) Scheme showing gene targeting strategy.
(b) Expression of H3.3-HA upon Cre-mediated recombination. Western blotting for H3.3 or HA was performed for chromatin fractions prepared from H3f3b+/WT-flox embryonic stem cells (ESCs) with or without Cre expression. Black and white arrowheads indicate H3.3 from intact alleles and HA-tagged H3.3, respectively.
(c) Images of limbs in control and K36M mice. Scale bar,10 mm.
(d) Alizarin red and Alcian blue staining of hind limbs at postnatal days 0 and 5. The regions stained in red and blue indicate bone and cartilage, respectively. The tibias are outlined by a dashed line. The joints of knees and ankles are indicated by arrowheads and arrows, respectively. Scale bar, 1 mm.
(e) Length of tibia in control and K36M mice. The data are presented as the mean ± SD from three independent samples.