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. 2021 Oct 12;11:20250. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-99854-0

Table 2.

Comparison of biopsy strategies on lesion and patient level.

Parameter 1 Bcx vs. Bsat 2 Bcx vs. Bsat 3 Bcx vs. Bsat n
n (%) p n (%) p n (%) p Total
Cancer missed (total) 21 (36.2) 0.003 12 (20.7) 0.018 6 (10.3) 0.07 58
Cancer missed (> ISUP I) 24 (53.3) 0.001 15 (33.3) 0.008 7 (15.6) 0.052 45
Gleason upgrade 34 (58.6) 22 (37.9) 12 (20.7) 58
Change in definitive treatment1 24 (41.4)  < 0.001 15 (25.9) 0.004 7 (12.1) 0.15 58
Insufficient staging2 11 (19.0) 0.028 5 (8.6) 0.3 3 (5.2) 0.56 58
Cancer missed (total) 17 (37.0) 0.006 10 (21.7) 0.03 5 (10.9) 0.09 46
Cancer missed (> ISUP I) 18 (50) 0.003 12 (33.3) 0.01 5 (13.9) 0.08 36
Gleason upgrade 28 (60.9) 19 (41.3) 10 (21.7) 46
Change in definitive treatment1 18 (39.1)  < 0.001 12 (26.1) 0.01 5 (10.9) 0.24 46
Insufficient staging2 10 (21.7) 0.026 5 (10.9) 0.28 3 (6.5) 0.52 46
Cancer missed (total) 35 (60.3)  < 0.001 26 (44.8) 0.002 17 (29.3) 0.007 58
Cancer missed (> ISUP I) 33 (73.3) 0.003 28 (62.2) 0.002 20 (44.4) 0.003 45
Gleason upgrade 50 (86.2) 45 (77.6) 35 (60.3) 58
Change in definitive treatment1 33 (56.9)  < 0.001 28 (48.3)  < 0.001 20 (34.5)  < 0.001 58
Insufficient staging2 18 (31.0)  < 0.001 16 (27.6) 0.001 12 (20.7) 0.02 58
Cancer missed (total) 28 (60.9)  < 0.001 21 (45.7) 0.002 15 (32.6) 0.008 46
Cancer missed (> ISUP I) 25 (69.4)  < 0.001 21 (58.3) 0.002 17 (47.2) 0.004 36
Gleason upgrade 41 (89.1) 36 (78.3) 28 (60.9) 46
Change in definitive treatment1 25 (54.3)  < 0.001 21 (45.7)  < 0.001 17 (37.0)  < 0.001 46
Insufficient staging2 15 (32.6)  < 0.001 14 (30.4) 0.002 11 (23.9) 0.01 46

Bcx, targeted biopsy core; Bsat, saturation biopsy; RS, random selection; WCS, worst case scenario.

1Definition: Definitive treatment according to Gleason score (> 6) indicated.

2Staging for distant metastasis according to Gleason score (> 7a).