Table 4.
Summary table of large series examining the “Weekend Effect” in endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke.
Author/Year | Number of Sites | Number of Patients | Hospital Setting | Statistical Model Adjustment | Weekend Effect Detected |
Almetkhlafi et al. 2014 (9) | 1 | 110 | Academic | No mention/No difference in NIHSS | Increased imaging-to-reperfusion time |
Saad et al. 2014 (6) | Multicenter national database (NIS 2005–2011) | 12,055 | Academic and community | Stepwise logistic regression model/No control for NIHSS | Patients admitted to nonteaching hospitals more likely to have moderate-to-severe disability |
Mpotsaris et al. 2015 (10) | 1 | 98 | Academic | No mention/No difference in NIHSS | Prolongation of door-to-needle time |
Nikoubashman et al. 2017 (26) | 1 | 358 | Academic | No mention/No difference in NIHSS | None |
Raymond et al. 2018 (11) | 1 | 129 | Academic | No mention/No difference in NIHSS | None |
Zaeske et al. 2020 (8) | 1 | 246 | Academic | No mention/No difference in NIHSS | Increased in-hospital mortality |
Dandapat et al. 2020 (12) | 1 | 315 | Academic | Ordinal/logistical regression models/No difference in NIHSS | None |
Weddell et al. 2020 (13) | 1 | 501† | Academic | Model controlled for baseline demographic and clinical characteristics/No difference in NIHSS | Door-to-imaging, door-to-groin times significantly longer, thrombectomy duration shorter |
Tschoe et al. 2020 (15) | 6 centers (multicenter STAR registry database*) | 1919 | Academic | Multivariable ordinal logistic regression model/No difference in NIHSS | None |
Potts et al. 2021 (26) | 1 | 216 | Academic | No mention/No difference in NIHSS | Increased door-to-groin puncture time |
Current study | Multicenter national database (NIS 2016–2018) | 6052 | Academic and community | Mixed-effects logistic regression model/Controlled for NIHSS, no difference in NIHSS | None |
Prospective, observational database in the United States
Study reported number of procedures rather than number of patients.
NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; STAR, Stroke Thrombectomy and Aneurysm Registry; NIS, National (Nationwide) Inpatient Sample