Table 5.
The mAP, Rank-1 and Rank-5 on VeRi-776 dataset (in %).
Method | mAP | Rank-1 | Rank-5 | References |
VRSDNet9 | 53.45 | 83.49 | 92.55 | Multimed Tools Appl 2019 |
VGG + C + T33 | 58.78 | 86.41 | 92.91 | ICME 2017 |
GS-TRE34 | 59.47 | 96.24 | 98.97 | IEEE TMM 2018 |
AAVER13 | 61.18 | 88.97 | 94.70 | ICCV 2019 |
VAMI + ST35 | 61.32 | 85.92 | 91.84 | CVPR 2018 |
RAM10 | 61.50 | 88.60 | 94.00 | ICME 2018 |
GRF + GGL38 | 61.7 | 89.4 | 95.0 | CVPR 2018 |
QD-DLF36 | 61.83 | 88.50 | 94.46 | IEEE TITS 2019 |
MSA14 | 62.89 | 92.07 | 96.19 | Neural Computing and Applications 2020 |
SPAN w/ CPDM40 | 68.9 | 94.0 | 97.6 | ECCV 2020 |
TCL + SL37 | 68.97 | 93.92 | 97.44 | IEEE TIP 2019 |
AGNet-ASL + STR15 | 71.59 | 95.61 | 96.56 | arXiv 2020 |
UMTS39 | 75.9 | 95.8 | N/A | AAAI 2020 |
Ours | 77.12 | 96.30 | 98.11 | Proposed |
Bold indicate the best results for the corresponding metrics.
N/A indicates that no data is provided.