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. 2021 Oct 12;11:20261. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-99662-6

Table 3.

Worries as mediators between each

source of support and psychological distress (see Fig. 3). The column on the far left presents the predictors (sources of support) for which we ran three separate analyses (I, II, III). The ensuing columns present the mediators (M1, M2, M3), in the order in which they were added to each of the three mediation analyses. If the confidence interval includes 0, there is no effect. If c’ < c there is a (partial) mediation effect, if c’ is no longer significant, then it is a full mediation.

M1) General COVID-19 worries M2) Social support worries
B SE t p CI B SE t p CI
I. Partner support (N = 693) a −.20 .05 −3.91 .000 −.29 to −.10 −.60 .06 −10.82 .000 −.71 to −.49
b .18 .02 10.58 .000 .15 to.22 .11 .01 7.59 .000 .08 to.14
c’ −.04 .01 −.06 to −.01 −.06 .01 −.10 to −.04
c’ tot
II. Social support (N = 672) a −.25 .05 −5.51 .000 −.34 to −.16 −.50 .05 −9.45 .000 −.60 to −.39
b .17 .02 9.83 .000 .14 to.21 .11 .01 7.60 .000 .08 to.13
c’ −.04 .01 −.06 to −.03 −.05 .01 −.08 to −.04
c’ tot
III. Healthcare support (N = 694) a −.73 .13 −5.58 .000 6.77 – 8.12 −.91 .16 −5.89 .000 −1.22 to −.61
b .18 .02 10.94 .000 .14 to.21 .12 .01 8.86 .000 .09 to.14
c’ −.13 .03 −.19 to −.10 −.11 .02 −.16 to −.07
c’ tot
M3) Work and financial worries DV) Psychological distress
B SE t p CI B SE t p CI
I. Partner support (N = 693) a −.24 .07 −3.43 .001 −.37 to −.10
b .04 .01 2.99 .003 −.09 to −.02
c −.16 .02 −7.19 .000 −.21 to −.12
c’ −.01 .00 −.02 to −.00
c’ tot −.11 .02 −.16 to −.07
II. Social support (N = 672) a −.19 .06 −2.98 .003 −.32 to −.07
b .04 .01 3.13 .002 .01 to.06
c −.19 .02 −9.12 .000 −.23 to −.05
c’ −.01 .00 −.02 to −.00
c’ tot −.10 .02 −.14 to −.07
III. Healthcare support (N = 694) a −.88 .18 −4.84 .000 −1.23 to −.52
b .03 .01 2.74 .006 .01 to.06
c −.40 .06 −2.94 .000 −.52 to −.29
c’ −.03 .01 −.06 to − .01
c’ tot −.27 .05 −.37 to −.19

B = unstandardized coefficient, SE = standard error of the mean, t = t-test value, p = p value with significance set at .05, CI = confidence interval, N = total sample for each analysis. Path a = direct effect of each support system on each worry (mediator); Path b = direct effect of each worry on psychological distress; Path c = direct effect of each support system on psychological distress; Path c’ = indirect effect of each support system on psychological distress via the suppressing effect of each worry (mediators); Path c’tot = indirect effect of each support system on psychological distress via the suppressing effect of all the worries together (mediators).