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. 1999 Jul;37(7):2189–2196. doi: 10.1128/jcm.37.7.2189-2196.1999


MAb, PFGE, and AP-PCR subtyping of clinical and environmental isolates of L. pneumophila serogroup 6

Strain no.a Reactivity against MAb:
PFGE type after digestion withb:
AP-PCR type with primer:
Combined type codec
9/2 4/5d 18/2d 54/2d SfiI NotI AscI AP5 AP12 CD1 1247
1 + + + A NC F a e g j I
2 + CIII D G c e i l IIII
3 + CI D G c e i l IIII
4 + + + A NC F a e g j l
5 + + + B E H b f h k II
6 + + + B E H b f h k II
7 + + + B E H b f h k II
8 + + + B E H b f h k II
9 + + + B E H b f h k II
10 + CI D G c e i l IIII
11 + CV D G d e i l IIIII
12 + CI D G c e i l IIII
13 + CV D G d e i l IIIII
14 + CII D G c e i l IIII
15 + CIV D G d e i l IIIII
16 + + + A NC F a e g j I
17 + + + A NC F a e g j I
18 + CIV D G d e i l IIIII
19 + CII D G c e i l IIII
Chicago 2 + + +
Dresden +

Strains were numbered as in Table 1


Indistinguishable patterns are indicated with the same letter code. Minor differences (<20%) within a single PFGE type are indicated by superscript roman numerals; NC, genomic DNA is not cut by the enzyme. 


Obtained by combining MAb, PFGE, and AP-PCR types; strains with >80% and 90% similarities at the macrorestriction and AP-PCR levels, respectively, were considered to belong to a single type. Superscript roman numerals indicate minor differences within a single type. 


MAbs that recognize monoclonal subgroups of serogroup 6.