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. 2021 Oct 5;37(1):109777. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109777

Anti-Actin, mouse monoclonal Merck Millipore Cat# MAB1501; RRID: AB_2223041
Anti-cIAP1, rat monoclonal Enzo Life Sciences Cat# ALX-803-335; RRID: AB_2227905
Anti-CYLD, mouse monoclonal Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat# sc-74435; RRID: AB_1122022
Anti-pS418-CYLD, rabbit polyclonal Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 4500
Anti-ERK1/2, rabbit monoclonal Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 4695; RRID: AB_390779
Anti-phospho-ERK1/2, rabbit monoclonal Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 4370; RRID: AB_2315112
Anti-HOIL-1, mouse monoclonal Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat# sc-365523; RRID: AB_10841591
Anti-HOIP, sheep polyclonal R&D systems Cat# AF8039; RRID: AB_2714038
Anti-IκBα, rabbit polyclonal Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 9242; RRID: AB_331623
Anti-IRAK1, rabbit polyclonal Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat# sc-7883; RRID: AB_2233753
Anti-JNK, rabbit monoclonal Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 9258; RRID: AB_2141027
Anti-phospho-JNK, rabbit monoclonal Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 9251; RRID: AB_331659
Anti-OTULIN, rabbit polyclonal Abcam Cat# ab151117; RRID: AB_2728115
Anti-p38, rabbit polyclonal Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 9212; RRID: AB_330713
Anti-phospho-p38, rabbit monoclonal Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 4511; RRID: AB_2139682
Anti-RelA/p65, rabbit monoclonal Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 8242; RRID: AB_10859369
Anti-pS536-RelA/p65, rabbit monoclonal Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 3033; RRID: AB_331284
Anti-RIPK1, rabbit monoclonal Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 3493; RRID: AB_2305314
Anti-RIPK2, rabbit polyclonal Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat# sc-22763; RRID: AB_2300888
Anti-SHARPIN, rabbit polyclonal Proteintech Cat# 14626-1-AP; RRID: AB_2187734
Anti-TNFR1, rabbit monoclonal Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 3736; RRID: AB_2241018
Anti-ubiquitin, mouse monoclonal Imgenex Cat# IMG-5021; RRID: AB_317568
Anti-ubiquitin (P4D1 clone), mouse monoclonal Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 3936; RRID: AB_331292
Anti-Lys63-linked ubiquitin, rabbit monoclonal Merck Millipore Cat# 05-1308; RRID: AB_1587580
Anti-Met1-linked ubiquitin, rabbit monoclonal Merck Millipore Cat# MABS199; RRID: AB_2576212
Anti-mouse-HRP, goat Agilent (previously Dako) Cat# P0447; RRID: AB_2617137
Anti-rat-HRP, goat ThermoFisher Cat# 31470; RRID: AB_228356
Anti-rabbit-HRP, goat Bio-Rad Cat# 1706515; RRID: AB_11125142
Anti-sheep-HRP, donkey R&D systems Cat# HAF016; RRID: AB_562591
Anti-CXCL8 (IL8)-APC, mouse BioLegend Cat# 511410; RRID: AB_893464
Anti-FLAG M2 affinity gel, mouse monoclonal Sigma-Aldrich (now Merck Millipore) Cat# A2220; RRID: AB_10063035

Bacterial and virus strains

Rosetta II DE3 Novagen Cat# 71400
DH10Bac ThermoFisher Cat# 10361012

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

L18-MDP Invivogen Cat# tlrl-lmdp
TNF Peprotech Cat# 300-01A
Biotin-TNF R&D systems Cat# BT210
FLAG-TNF Enzo life systems Cat# ALX-522-008-C050
IL-1β Cell signaling Technologies Cat# 2022
Brefeldin A BioLegend Cat# 420601
Monensin BioLegend Cat# 420701
ICC fixation buffer BioLegend Cat# 420801
N-Ethylmaleimide (NEM) Sigma Aldrich Cat# E3876
cOmplete protease inhibitors Roche Cat# 04693159001
cOmplete Protease Inhibitor tablets Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 11873580001
PhosSTOP Roche Cat# 04906845001
lambda protein phosphatase New England Biolabs and Gift from David Barford Cat# P0773
3C Protease Elliott et al., 2016; PMID: 27591049 N/A
SUMO Protease Elliott et al., 2016; PMID: 27591049 N/A
Insect-XPRESS™ Protein-free Insect Cell Medium Lonza Cat# BELN12-730Q
DNaseI Sigma-Aldrich Cat# DN25-100mg
Lysozyme Sigma-Aldrich Cat# L6876-5G
IPTG VWR Cat# 437144N
Tris-(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP) Fluorochem Cat# M02624-10G
Ubiquitin Elliott et al., 2016 PMID: 27591049 N/A
15N ammonium chloride Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 299251-25G
13C glucose Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 389374-10G

Critical commercial assays

RevertAid RT Reverse transcriptase Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# K1691
RiboLock RNase Inhibitor Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# EO0381
RNAeasy mini kit QIAGEN Cat# 74104
Rnase-free Dnase set QIAGEN Cat# 79254
SYBR select Master Mix Applied Biosystems Cat# 4472908
PNGase F New England Biolabs Cat# P0704

Deposited data

CYLD CAP-Gly3 (467-565): Ub complex This study PDB: 7OWC
CYLD CAP-Gly3 (467-552): Ub complex This study PDB: 7OWD
CYLD phosphorylation sites by Mass spectrometry This study PRIDE: PXD026791

Experimental models: Cell lines

U2OS/FlpIn/Trex/HA-NOD2 (U2OS/NOD2) Fiil et al., 2013; PMID: 23806334 N/A
U2OS/NOD2 CYLD KO (9E-8 clone) Elliott et al., 2016; PMID: 27591049 N/A
U2OS/NOD2 CYLD KO + CYLDL475P This study N/A
U2OS/NOD2 CYLD KO + CYLDS418A This study N/A
U2OS/NOD2 CYLD KO + CYLDS568A This study N/A
U2OS/NOD2 CYLD KO + CYLDS418A, S568A This study N/A
U2OS/NOD2 CYLD KO + CYLDC601A This study N/A
HCT-116 Cummins et al., 2004; PMID: 15126334 N/A
THP1 ATCC Cat# TIB-202
U937 ATCC Cat# CRL-1593.2
Sf9 ThermoFisher Cat# 11496015


Listed in Table S2

Recombinant DNA

pBabe-puro Morgenstern and Land, 1990; PMID: 2194165 RRID: Addgene_1764
pBabe-puro-CYLDWT This study N/A
pBabe-puro-CYLDL475P This study N/A
pBabe-puro-CYLDC601A This study N/A
pBabe-puro-CYLDS418A This study N/A
pBabe-puro-CYLDS568A This study N/A
pBabe-puro-CYLDS418A,S568A This study N/A
pTRIP-Puro Hrdinka et al., 2016; PMID: 26997266 N/A
pTRIP-Puro-shMM Hrdinka et al., 2016; PMID: 26997266 N/A
pTRIP-Puro-shCYLD Hrdinka et al., 2016; PMID: 26997266 N/A
pACEBAC-SUMO This study N/A
pACEBAC-SUMO-CYLD 583-956 This study N/A
pACEBAC-SUMO-CYLD 542-956 This study N/A
pACEBAC-SUMO-CYLD 467-956 This study N/A
pACEBAC-SUMO-CYLD 460-956 This study N/A
pACEBAC-SUMO-CYLD 1-956 This study N/A
pOPINS-CYLD 120-213 This study N/A
pOPINS-CYLD 226-313 This study N/A
pOPINS-CYLD 460-582 This study N/A
pOPINS-CYLD 467-582 This study N/A
pOPINS-CYLD 467-582L475P This study N/A
pOPINS-CYLD 226-313F288D This study N/A
pOPINB-NEMO 383-419 This study N/A
pOPINS-CLIP170 48-359 This study N/A
pOPINS-CLIP170 48-147 This study N/A
pOPINS-TBCB 151-244 This study N/A
pOPINS-TBCE 1-110 This study N/A
pOPINS-KIF13B 1685-1784 This study N/A
pOPINS-DCTN1 1-107 This study N/A

Software and algorithms

GraphPad Prism GraphPad
Adobe Creative Suite Adobe
Fiji (ImageJ)
FlowJo BD Biosciences
PEAKS Server v1.7 Bioinformatics Solutions Inc.
Phenix Adams et al., 2010; PMID: 20124702
COOT Emsley et al., 2010; PMID: 20383002
CCP4 7.2 Winn et al., 2011; PMID: 21460441
Pymol Schrödinger, Inc
Topspin 3.0 BRUKER
NMRPipe Delaglio et al., 1995; PMID: 8520220
Analysis 2.4 Vranken et al., 2005; PMID: 15815974
Pomana Shen and Bax, 2015; PMID: 26053889
CS-Rosetta 3.7 Shen et al., 2008; PMID: 18326625
Haddock 2.2 van Zundert et al., 2016; PMID: 26410586
PEAQ Analysis Malvern Instruments


Ni-NTA QIAGEN Cat# 30210
Resource Q Cytiva Life Sciences Cat# 17117901
HiLoad Superdex75 Cytiva Life Sciences Cat# 28989333
HiLoad Superdex 200 Cytiva Life Sciences Cat# 28989335