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. 2021 Oct 13;57:103321. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2021.103321

Table 1.

Summarized data on patients with MS or NMOSD who presented a relapse in close temporal relation to the AZD1222 vaccination for protection against COVID-19.

Sex Age (years) Disease Duration of controlled disease (years) Medication in use General AEs to first dose of AZD1222 Days elapsed between vaccine and relapse Clinical manifestation of relapse Magnetic resonance Treatment Recovery* General AEs to second dose of AZD1222
F 22 RRMS 5 Fingolimod Headache 7 Facial paralysis, hemiparesis, ataxia Non-Gd tumefactive lesion (Fig 2) Pulsotherapy methylprednisolone Not yet recovered Not done
F 32 RRMS 2 Dimethyl fumarate Myalgia, fever 10 Loss of vision and papillitis in the left eye New Gd+ lesions in the left eye Pulsotherapy methylprednisolone Immunoglobulin Partial recovery in 3 weeks Not done
M 35 SPMS 3 Natalizumab Myalgia, fever, fatigue 7 Worsening of disability, could not walk, severe weakness of both legs High lesion load, new lesions Oral prednisone Not yet recovered Not done
F 30 RRMS 1 Natalizumab Myalgia, chills, fever 25 Right hemiparesis New Gd+ lesions Pulsotherapy methylprednisolone Recovered in 3 weeks Not done
F 42 RRMS 3 Fingolimod Chills 15 Rapidly progressive weakness in both arms, grade III at its worst New Gd+ lesions in spinal cord, T2 level Pulsotherapy methylprednisolone Recovered in 3 weeks No adverse events
M 35 RRMS 4 Teriflunomide Chills, pain on the site of injection 20 Incoordination of right arm and hand New Gd+ lesions in brainstem Pulsotherapy methylprednisolone Not yet recovered Not done
M 51 PPMS 2 No drug Headache 25 Hypoesthesia in both arms New Gd+ lesions in cervical cord No treatment Not yet recovered Not done
F 32 RRMS 6 Glatiramer acetate Headache 7 Motor and sensitive deficits in right leg and foot New Gd+ lesions + new lesions Pulsotherapy methylprednisolone Not yet recovered Not done
F 62 NMOSD 8 Azathioprine Unspecific 7 Loss of vision in the left eye New Gd+ lesions in left optic nerve Pulsotherapy methylprednisolone Recovered vision in 3 weeks Not done

Abbreviations: M: male, F: female; RRMS: relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis; SPMS: secondary progressive MS; PPMS: primary progressive MS; NMOSD: neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders; AE: adverse event; Gd: gadolinium.

Recovery* - when “not yet recovered” is stated, it means that the patient is still with some degree of neurological disability after at least 40 days from the onset of the relapse.