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. 2021 Oct 11;9(10):23259671211039841. doi: 10.1177/23259671211039841

Table A2.

ICD-10 Codes a

Injury ICD-10 Code Injury ICD-10 Code
Acute ankle and foot injuries Acute knee and lower leg injuries
 Talar dome fracture S92.1  Gastrocnemius strain S86.1
 Calcaneal fracture S99.0  Fibular fracture S82.4
 Cuboid subluxation/dislocation S93.31  Tibial fracture S82.2
 Toe sprain S93.51  Lower leg compartment syndrome (traumatic) T79.A
 Great toe fracture S92.4  MCL sprain S83.41
 Phalangeal fracture (digits 2-5) S92.5  LCL sprain S83.42
 Phalangeal dislocation S93.1  ACL sprain S83.51
 Sprain of interphalangeal joint S93.51  PCL sprain S83.52
 Ankle sprain (medial or lateral) S93.4  Meniscal tear S83.2
 High ankle sprain (syndesmotic ankle sprain) S93.43  Patellar fracture S82.0
 Distal fibular fracture S82.6  Patellar subluxation/dislocation S83.0
 Distal tibial fracture S82.3  Patellar tendon rupture M66.85
 Achilles tendon rupture S86.02  Dislocation of knee S83.1
 Peroneal tendon subluxation/dislocation S86.39  Sprain of other specified sites of knee and leg S83.8
 Ankle dislocation S93.0  Sprain of unspecified site of knee and leg S83.9
 Tarsal (bone) dislocation, joint unspecified S93.31  Pain in thigh M79.65
 Midtarsal (joint) dislocation S93.31  Pain in lower leg M79.67
 Tarsometatarsal (joint) dislocation S93.32
 Metatarsophalangeal (joint) dislocation S93.12 Chronic knee and lower leg injuries
 Interphalangeal (joint) dislocation, foot S93.11  Medial tibial stress syndrome M76.89, T79.6
 Sprain of foot S93.5  Chronic compartment syndrome M79.A
 Sprain of tarsometatarsal (joint) (ligament) S93.62  Tibial stress fracture M84.361, M84.362
 Sprain of metatarsophalangeal (joint) S93.52  Fibular stress fracture M84.363, M84.364
 Sprain of interphalangeal (joint), toe S93.51  Bursitis - infrapatellar, suprapatellar M70.4
 Sprain of foot (unspecified) (other) S93.60  Chondromalacia (patella) M22.4
 Pain in foot and toes M.79.67  Patellofemoral pain M22.2
 Iliotibial band friction syndrome M76.3
Chronic ankle and foot injuries  Pes anserine tendinitis M76.89
 Talar dome stress fracture S92.19  Patellar tendinitis M76.5
 Tarsal tunnel syndrome G57.5  Knee osteoarthritis M17.1
 Plantar fasciitis M72.2  Pain in knee M25.56
 Metatarsal stress fracture M84.374, M84.375
 Sesamoiditis M25.80 Acute hip, thigh, and pelvic injuries
 Metatarsalgia M77.40  Quadriceps strain S76.1
 Morton’s neuroma G57.60  Hamstring strain S76.3
 Achilles tendinitis M76.6, M79.61  Femoral fracture (distal) S72.4
 Anterior tibialis tendinitis M76.81  Femoral fracture (proximal) S72.0
 Posterior tibialis tendinitis M76.82  Femoral head dislocation/subluxation S73.0
 Peroneal tendinitis M76.7  Hip joint sprain S73.1
 Adductor strain S76.2
Chronic hip, thigh, and pelvic injuries
 Femoral stress fracture M84.35
 Trochanteric bursitis M70.6
 Osteitis pubis M85.3

a ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; LCL, lateral collateral ligament; MCL, medial collateral ligament; PCL, posterior cruciate ligament.