Table A2.
Injury | ICD-10 Code | Injury | ICD-10 Code |
Acute ankle and foot injuries | Acute knee and lower leg injuries | ||
Talar dome fracture | S92.1 | Gastrocnemius strain | S86.1 |
Calcaneal fracture | S99.0 | Fibular fracture | S82.4 |
Cuboid subluxation/dislocation | S93.31 | Tibial fracture | S82.2 |
Toe sprain | S93.51 | Lower leg compartment syndrome (traumatic) | T79.A |
Great toe fracture | S92.4 | MCL sprain | S83.41 |
Phalangeal fracture (digits 2-5) | S92.5 | LCL sprain | S83.42 |
Phalangeal dislocation | S93.1 | ACL sprain | S83.51 |
Sprain of interphalangeal joint | S93.51 | PCL sprain | S83.52 |
Ankle sprain (medial or lateral) | S93.4 | Meniscal tear | S83.2 |
High ankle sprain (syndesmotic ankle sprain) | S93.43 | Patellar fracture | S82.0 |
Distal fibular fracture | S82.6 | Patellar subluxation/dislocation | S83.0 |
Distal tibial fracture | S82.3 | Patellar tendon rupture | M66.85 |
Achilles tendon rupture | S86.02 | Dislocation of knee | S83.1 |
Peroneal tendon subluxation/dislocation | S86.39 | Sprain of other specified sites of knee and leg | S83.8 |
Ankle dislocation | S93.0 | Sprain of unspecified site of knee and leg | S83.9 |
Tarsal (bone) dislocation, joint unspecified | S93.31 | Pain in thigh | M79.65 |
Midtarsal (joint) dislocation | S93.31 | Pain in lower leg | M79.67 |
Tarsometatarsal (joint) dislocation | S93.32 | ||
Metatarsophalangeal (joint) dislocation | S93.12 | Chronic knee and lower leg injuries | |
Interphalangeal (joint) dislocation, foot | S93.11 | Medial tibial stress syndrome | M76.89, T79.6 |
Sprain of foot | S93.5 | Chronic compartment syndrome | M79.A |
Sprain of tarsometatarsal (joint) (ligament) | S93.62 | Tibial stress fracture | M84.361, M84.362 |
Sprain of metatarsophalangeal (joint) | S93.52 | Fibular stress fracture | M84.363, M84.364 |
Sprain of interphalangeal (joint), toe | S93.51 | Bursitis - infrapatellar, suprapatellar | M70.4 |
Sprain of foot (unspecified) (other) | S93.60 | Chondromalacia (patella) | M22.4 |
Pain in foot and toes | M.79.67 | Patellofemoral pain | M22.2 |
Iliotibial band friction syndrome | M76.3 | ||
Chronic ankle and foot injuries | Pes anserine tendinitis | M76.89 | |
Talar dome stress fracture | S92.19 | Patellar tendinitis | M76.5 |
Tarsal tunnel syndrome | G57.5 | Knee osteoarthritis | M17.1 |
Plantar fasciitis | M72.2 | Pain in knee | M25.56 |
Metatarsal stress fracture | M84.374, M84.375 | ||
Sesamoiditis | M25.80 | Acute hip, thigh, and pelvic injuries | |
Metatarsalgia | M77.40 | Quadriceps strain | S76.1 |
Morton’s neuroma | G57.60 | Hamstring strain | S76.3 |
Achilles tendinitis | M76.6, M79.61 | Femoral fracture (distal) | S72.4 |
Anterior tibialis tendinitis | M76.81 | Femoral fracture (proximal) | S72.0 |
Posterior tibialis tendinitis | M76.82 | Femoral head dislocation/subluxation | S73.0 |
Peroneal tendinitis | M76.7 | Hip joint sprain | S73.1 |
Adductor strain | S76.2 | ||
Chronic hip, thigh, and pelvic injuries | |||
Femoral stress fracture | M84.35 | ||
Trochanteric bursitis | M70.6 | ||
Osteitis pubis | M85.3 |
a ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; LCL, lateral collateral ligament; MCL, medial collateral ligament; PCL, posterior cruciate ligament.