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. 2021 Oct 12;21:1848. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-11897-0

Table 2.

Descriptive analysis HPV-vaccination uptake and predictor variables on individual, postal code and municipality level (n = 299,883)

2012 2014 2017
Variable N HPV-uptake
% (a)
univariate COR
p-value N HPV-uptake
% (a)
level univariate COR
p-value N HPV-uptake
% (a)
level univariate
Total 102,456 60.0% 100,988 62.8% 96,439 46.6%
Individual level
MMR-vaccination status 2012 < 0.001 2014 < 0.001 2017 < 0.001
 Zero vaccinations 5355 3.7% reference ref. 3190 6.6% ref. ref. 2548 6.0% ref. ref.
 One vaccination 3079 28.4% 9.72 < 0.001 3304 26.2% 4.68 < 0.001 3162 13.3% 2.24 < 0.001
 Two Vaccinations 94,022 64.3% 44.05 < 0.001 94,494 66.0% 25.34 < 0.001 90,729 48.9% 13.95 < 0.001
DT (aP)-IPV-vaccination status 2012 < 0.001 2014 < 0.001 2017 < 0.001
 Zero vaccinations 5549 6.1% ref. ref. 3258 10.3% ref. ref. 2656 8.2% ref. ref.
 Primary series 2851 28.2% 5.67 < 0.001 3088 25.9% 2.81 < 0.001 3539 20.0% 2.63 < 0.001
 Completed series 94,056 64.2% 25.84 < 0.001 94,642 65.8% 15.50 < 0.001 90,244 48.7% 9.94 < 0.001
Ethnicity 2012 < 0.001 2014 < 0.001 2017 < 0.001
 NLD - NLD 17,319 63.6% ref. ref. 17,761 65.2% ref. ref. 70,614 49.4% ref. ref.
 NLD - Turkey 352 32.4% 0.30 < 0.001 405 34.6% 0.30 < 0.001 1023 26.0% 0.34 < 0.001
 Turkey - Turkey 1306 27.9% 0.26 < 0.001 1133 30.3% 0.25 < 0.001 1802 20.5% 0.24 < 0.001
 NLD - Morocco 199 36.2% 0.36 < 0.001 224 35.7% 0.34 < 0.001 762 18.8% 0.22 < 0.001
 Morocco - Morocco 1272 18.2% 0.16 < 0.001 1249 23.9% 0.20 < 0.001 2920 16.5% 0.18 < 0.001
 NLD - Surinam 369 52.8% 0.73 0.003 414 54.8% 0.70 0.001 927 41.3% 0.71 < 0.001
 Surinam - Surinam 544 48.5% 0.68 < 0.001 463 57.9% 0.86 0.108 708 45.6% 0.86 0.048
 NLD - Ned Antilles/Aruba 186 51.6% 0.65 0.004 161 57.8% 0.74 0.058 475 35.6% 0.55 < 0.001
 Ned Antilles/Aruba –Ned Antilles/Aruba 214 23.8% 0.20 < 0.001 150 44.7% 0.45 < 0.001 183 35.5% 0.57 < 0.001
 NLD - other WC 748 58.6% 0.84 0.020 858 64.1% 0.95 0.493 2331 51.0% 1.03 0.573
 other WC - other WC 430 43.5% 0.44 < 0.001 468 53.2% 0.62 < 0.001 704 46.9% 0.84 0.025
 NLD - other NWC 490 58.0% 0.84 0.071 581 59.9% 0.82 0.027 1673 50.0% 0.99 0.778
 other NWC - other NWC 1184 47.6% 0.57 < 0.001 1192 59.3% 0.83 0.004 2190 51.1% 1.05 0.252
 other WC - other NWC 92 43.5% 0.50 0.001 104 44.2% 0.45 < 0.001 196 35.7% 0.53 < 0.001
 Unknown 77,751 61.2% 0.85 < 0.001 75,825 63.9% 0.94 0.003 9931 42.9% 0.74 < 0.001
Postal code level
Socioeconomic status (b) 2012 < 0.001 2014 < 0.001 2017* < 0.001
 Low 17,723 51.4% ref. ref. 19,395 54.9% ref. ref. 18,149 36.9% ref. ref.
 Low-intermediate 29,714 58.8% 1.27 < 0.001 26,556 62.9% 1.34 < 0.001 25,467 44.6% 1.36 < 0.001
 High-intermediate 38,297 62.7% 1.50 < 0.001 37,747 64.4% 1.57 < 0.001 34,292 48.8% 1.64 < 0.001
 High 15,981 65.3% 1.84 < 0.001 16,732 68.4% 1.93 < 0.001 18,099 54.8% 2.09 < 0.001
Road distance 2012* 0.129 2014 0.031 2017 0.340
 0 km 12,694 60.3% ref. ref. 13,661 62.3% ref. ref. 13,104 45.8% ref. ref.
 0–5 km 44,246 59.3% 1.03 0.279 41,395 62.0% 1.04 0.105 38,045 46.9% 1.02 0.547
 5–10 km 28,986 60.6% 1.06 0.026 28,560 63.9% 1.07 0.003 29,079 46.7% 1.04 0.081
  > 10 km 16,495 60.8% 1.05 0.115 17,343 63.3% 1.05 0.072 16,185 46.2% 1.02 0.333
Municipality level
Urbanization level (c) 2012* 0.020 2014* 0.134 2017 0.058
 Very high 23,398 53.3% ref. ref. 19,446 57.9% ref. ref. 19,280 45.3% ref. ref.
 High 31,870 60.3% 1.14 0.272 30,512 62.9% 1.03 0.793 29,502 46.1% 0.95 0.642
 Moderately high 17,260 62.7% 1.28 0.038 18,314 64.0% 1.16 0.232 17,512 47.9% 1.03 0.819
 Low 21,315 63.8% 1.36 0.007 23,200 65.5% 1.22 0.099 21,526 48.3% 1.07 0.572
 Very low 8604 63.1% 1.25 0.062 9513 64.1% 1.11 0.390 8618 44.3% 0.87 0.266
Voting % political parties (d) 2012 2014* 2017
 Lower or higher than national mean
People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD)
 Lower 64,595 57.3% ref. ref. 60,833 60.5% ref. ref. 58,855 43.6% ref. ref.
 Higher 37,852 64.8% 1.30 < 0.001 40,152 66.3% 1.27 < 0.001 37,583 51.3% 1.47 < 0.001
Labor Party (PvdA), Denk (DENK)
 Lower 36,543 60.9% reference ref. 39,038 62.7% ref. ref. 34,880 46.7% ref. ref.
 Higher 65,904 59.6% 1.09 0.096 61,947 62.9% 1.10 0.076 61,558 46.5% 1.00 0.931
Party for Freedom (PPV), Forum for Democracy (FvD)
 Lower 57,814 59.7% reference ref. 56,784 62.3% ref. ref. 52,307 48.1% ref. ref.
 Higher 44,633 60.5% 1.14 0.007 44,201 63.5% 1.10 0.077 44,131 44.8% 0.88 0.006
Socialist Party (SP)
 Lower 52,335 57.6% reference ref. 53,199 59.8% ref. ref. 4665 44.3% ref. ref.
 Higher 50,112 62.6% 1.40 < 0.001 47,786 66.2% 1.45 < 0.001 41,773 49.5% 1.29 < 0.001
Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA)
 Lower 77,344 59.9% ref. ref. 73,747 63.0% ref. ref. 71,075 46.8% ref. ref.
 Higher 25,103 60.6% 0.94 0.201 27,238 62.4% 0.97 0.487 25,363 45.9% 0.94 0.221
Democrats 66 (D66)
 Lower 43,514 59.9% ref. ref. 45,849 61.2% ref. ref. 38,093 42.7% ref. ref.
 Higher 58,933 60.1% 1.25 < 0.001 55,136 64.2% 1.30 < 0.001 58,345 49.1% 1.46 < 0.001
Christian Union (CU), Reformed Political Party (SGP)
 Lower 78,482 61.8% ref. ref. 75,461 64.9% ref. ref. 71,521 48.5% ref. ref.
 Higher 23,965 54.3% 0.59 < 0.001 25,524 56.7% 0.60 < 0.001 24,917 41.1% 0.62 < 0.001
Green Left (GL)
 Lower 44,692 62.0% ref. ref. 47,846 63.2% ref. ref. 38,670 45.0% ref. ref.
 Higher 57,755 58.6% 1.07 0.196 53,139 62.5% 1.11 0.046 57,768 47.6% 1.21 < 0.001
Party for the Animals (PvdD)
 Lower 37,964 61.9% ref. ref. 40,832 63.7% ref. ref. 38,633 46.7% ref. ref.
 Higher 64,483 59.0% 1.03 0.561 60,153 62.2% 1.02 0.737 57,805 46.5% 1.03 0.588
50PLUS (50+)
 Lower 57,554 58.1% reference ref. 55,729 61.0% ref. ref. 55,484 46.5% ref. ref.
 Higher 44,893 62.6% 1.31 < 0.001 45,256 65.0% 1.25 < 0.001 40,954 46.7% 1.10 0.052

Abbreviations: COR crude odds ratio, MMR mumps-measles-rubella, DT (aP)-IPV diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-polio, NL the Netherlands, Ned Antilles/Aruba the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, WC western countries, NWC non-western countries. km kilometer, VVD People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, PvdA Labor Party, PVV Party for Freedom, FvD Forum for Democracy, SP Socialist Party, CDA Christian Democratic Appeal, D66 Democrats 66, CU Christian Union, SGP Reformed Political Party, GL Green Left, PvdD The Party for the Animals, 50 + =50PLUS. For explanatory notes on the political parties we refer to Supplementary material 1

(a) HPV-uptake % = % of total of girls (N) with a completed HPV-vaccination series. Girls invited in 2012 were offered a three-dose series, girls invited in 2014 and 2017 a 2-dose series.

(b) Socioeconomic status classification; low (≤ − 1.0000), low-intermediate (− 0.9999 to 0.0000), high-intermediate (0.0001–0.9999), high (≥1.0000).

(c) Urbanization classification; Very high: > 2500 addresses per km2, high: 1500–2500 addresses per km2, moderately high: 1000–1500 addresses per km2, low: 500–1000 addresses per km2, very low < 500 addresses per km2.

(d) Voting % classification: higher or lower compared to the national mean.

* For this variable/ invitation year, data from the most recent year available was used (See Table 1 for variable details)