Maximum likelihood estimates and 95% credible intervals of infection frequency for each aliquot for classic (A) and next-generation and ultrasensitive-readout (B) quantitative viral outgrowth assay (QVOA). Solid symbols indicate cryopreserved aliquots; open symbols, fresh aliquots. Participants include 5 with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and 1 uninfected control. Abbreviations: caRNA1, cell-associated HIV gag RNA; caRNA2, cell-associated HIV tat-rev RNA; cfRNA, cell-free HIV RNA; iCARED, inducible cell-associated RNA expression in dilution; IUPM, infectious units per million; QVOA M, QVOA by University of Pittsburgh; QVOA RNA, QVOA by University of California, San Diego, with HIV RNA readout; QVOA S, QVOA by Johns Hopkins University; QVOA Simoa, QVOA by Southern Research using Simoa readout; QVOA SR, QVOA by Southern Research; TILDA, tat/rev-induced limiting dilution assay.