(A) A schematic diagram of the predicted ORFs in D. melanogaster Xrp1. uORF1 and uORF2 in the 5’ leader have initiation start codons with Kozak sequences. uORF1 encodes a peptide of 124 amino acid residues. uORF2 encodes a peptide of 288 amino acid residues. uORF2 overlaps with the main Xrp1 ORF, but is in a different reading frame. (B) Amino acid sequence alignment between D. melanogaster Xrp1 uORF2, and the Xrp1 main ORFs from the species, D. persimili, D. navojoa, D. grimshawi. BoxShade was used for visualizing alignments, with those in black indicating sequence identity. The first 219 residues of the D. melanogaster Xrp1 uORF2 show high-sequence conservation with the main Xrp1 ORFs from other species. (C) Amino acid sequence alignment between the main ORFs of D. melanogaster and other Drosophila species. D. melanogaster’s Xrp1 main ORF shows high-sequence conservation with other Drosophila species beginning from the 140th amino acid residue.