Figure 5.
Therapeutic response evaluation based on TILs and YAP1/MMP7/CXCL16 axis. (A) logistic model stepwise regression analysis was employed to investigate variables as therapeutic predictors, which demonstrated the beneficial effects of sufficient TILs/CXCL16 as well as the adverse effects of sufficient YAP1/MMP7 on tumor remission. (B) RCB score was calculated and statistically analyzed according to TILs density and YAP1/MMP7/CXCL16 intensity, respectively (**, P<0.01; ***, P<0.001). (C) ROC curve proved the predictive value of YAP1, MMP7, CXCL16, and TILs density in NAC response prospect. TILs, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes; RCB, residual cancer burden; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; NAC, neoadjuvant chemotherapy.