Fig. 3. Impact of PRIMPOL loss on genome stability and cell viability after DNA damage in BRCA2-proficient and -deficient cells.
a Western blots showing levels of siRNA-mediated depletion of BRCA2, PRIMPOL, or BRCA2 + PRIMPOL in U2OS cells. Similar results were obtained in n = 3 independent experiments. b A representative image of a mitotic spread after Giemsa staining showing different forms of abnormal chromosomes. CTB, chromatid break; CSB, chromosomal break; Radial, radial chromosome. c, d Quantification of chromosomal aberrations in U2OS cells treated with control, BRCA2, PRIMPOL, or BRCA2 + PRIMPOL siRNAs without IR (c) or 6 h after 2 Gy of IR (d). Data are presented as mean ± s.d. from n = 3 independent experiments. e–h Sensitivity of the above siRNA-treated cells to IR (e), BLEO (f), MMS (g), and CPT (h). Cell viability was determined 72 h after treatment. Results are presented as mean ± s.d. from n = 3 independent experiments, each conducted in technical triplicates. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.