Fig. 4.
Comparison of the estimates of the relative reduction in transmission dynamics by scaling/weighting approach. In each figure, the mean and bootstrapped 95% confidence interval of the percentage reduction of the reference standard, i.e. the R estimates from the RKI compared to the basic reproduction number is displayed; the mean and bootstrapped 95% confidence interval of the percentage reduction in the social contact data of the COVIMOD study for the simple and the more complex approach are displayed as well as the mean and bootstrapped 95% confidence interval of the percentage reduction in the mobility data (Google and Apple) compared to the mobility before the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Displayed is the base case approach without scaling/weighting applied (A) and with a scaling factor but without separate weighing for home/non-home contacts (B). (C) shows the estimates relative reduction in transmission dynamics with fitted weights for home/non-home contacts/mobility and (D) with normalised weights for home/non-home contacts/mobility by [31] as well as allowing a scaling factor