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. 2021 Oct 14;13(1):e12244. doi: 10.1002/dad2.12244


Goodness of fit indexes for one‐to‐three class brain parenchymal fraction latent growth class models in the Sunnybrook Dementia Study (SDS) and the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI)

Model Class AIC BIC −2LL Entropy Probability Proportion n
1 1 1847.668 1863.347 1837.668 1.000 1.000 170
2 1 1728.791 1753.877 1712.790 0.738 0.914 0.441 75
2 0.932 0.559 95
3a 1 1689.287 1723.781 1667.286 0.741 0.905 0.394 67
2 0.903 0.265 45
3 0.824 0.341 58
1 1 1958.626 1974.700 1948.626 1.000 1.000 184
2 1 1791.203 1816.923 1775.204 0.770 0.939 0.667 120
2 0.919 0.333 64
3a 1 1676.049 1711.413 1654.048 0.842 0.871 0.138 23
2 0.929 0.368 67
3 0.944 0.495 94

Note. aBest fitting model.

Abbreviations: AIC, Akaike information criteria; BIC, Bayesian information criteria; −2LL, −2 log likelihood; Probability, probability of latent class membership; Proportion, proportion for the latent classes based on estimated model; n, sample size.