(A) A schematic representation of dual pipette aspiration (DPA) is shown. Applied detachment forces, F1 + F2, on suspended cells with a given viscoelasticity (viscosity, η, and Young’s modulus, E) forming a contact, where E-cadherin and actin accumulate at the contact rim. (B) Radius, R, and the cortex thickness, tC, define the cortical tensions, γ1 and γ2, of the connected cells. For γ1 = γ2 = γ, cortical tensions at the contact-free area are counteracted by the interfacial tension, γIT = 2 × γ × cos(θ), at the cell-cell adhesion area, ACC. The interfacial tension, γIT, is determined by the difference in magnitude between the cortical tension of both cells at the cell-cell interface, 2∗γCC, and the adhesion tension, γA, acting in antiparallel directions. The cortical tension is in balance with the internal cellular pressure, P.