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. 2021 Aug 9;39(11):1243–1269. doi: 10.1007/s40273-021-01065-y

Table 1.

General characteristics and main estimates of the selected studies (costs in 2019 million US dollars), ordered by year of publication

Articlea Publication year Therapeutic class considered Drug inclusion period No. of drugs No. of drugs considered to extract the sample No. of companies Clinical approval success rates Average cash estimated per success drugb Clinical development time, years (PI+PII+PIII) Real annual COC (rate) Average capitalized costs estimated per successful drugb
Clinical phases Totalc Clinical phases (PI, PII and PIII) Totalc
Wouters et al. [19]—All 2020 Mixed FDA approval between 2009 and 2018 63 NCEs and NBEs 355 NCEs and NBEs 47 0.14 A.Included A.Includede 8.30f 0.105 A.Included 1359.18
Wouters et al. [19]—High qualityd Mixed 23 NCEs and NBEs 355 NCEs and NBEs 0.14 9.35f 1163.22
Wouters et al. [19]—Oncology Antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents 20 NCEs and NBEs 116 NCEs and NBEs 0.03 6.99f 4538.93
Wouters et al. [19]—At and Me Alimentary tract and metabolism 15 NCEs and NBEs 44 NCEs and NBEs 0.20 9.15f 1455.22
Wouters et al. [19]—CNS Nervous system 8 NCEs and NBEs 33 NCEs and NBEs 0.15 8.59f 1095.66
Wouters et al. [19]—Abx Anti-infectives for systemic use 5 NCEs and NBEs 40 NCEs and NBEs 0.25 8.02f 1319.80
Jayasundara et al. [40]—Orphan 2019 Mixed FDA approval between 2000 and 2015 100 orphan approved for a new indication 1163 trails with 602 orphan drugs Not relevant 0.33 183.70 183.70 11.42 0.105 321.61 321.61
Jayasundara et al. [40]—non-orphan 100 non-orphan approved for a new indication 1163 trails with 561 non-orphan drugs 0.10 321.84 321.84 6.15 455.32 455.32
Jayasundara et al. [40]—Orphan (NME) 74 NME As a scenario analysis, they identified, from the original selected sample, those that were NMEs 0.33 A.Included 267.18 267.18
Jayasundara et al. [40]—non-orphan (NME) 54 NME 0.10 539.89 539.89
Årdal et al. [47]—Min 2018 Antibiotics Not relevant A hypothetical antibacterial project Costs of finishing all of the expected clinical trials per phase for the antibacterial project 19 SMEs Not considered A.Includede A.Includede 1.50g COC not considered A.Not estimated
Årdal et al. [47]—Max 6.00g
Prasad and Mailankody [37] 2017 Oncological drugs FDA approval between 2006 and 2015 10 NCEs and NBEs 13 NCEs and NBEs 10 Not considered A.Included 750.18 7.30f 0.070 A.Included 943.83
DiMasi et al. [17] 2016 Mixed 1995–2007 106 (86 NCEs, 19 NBEs) 1442 NCEs and NBEs 10 0.12 1065.50 1540.25 6.73 0.105 1611.32 2823.58
Chit et al. [45] 2014 Seasonal influenza vaccines 2000–2011 39 vaccines Influenza vaccines that meet the inclusion criteria 24 0.20 70.16 70.16 7.33 0.090 243.81 522.42
Falconi et al. [50] 2014 Oncological drugs Phase I–III trial took place between 1998 and 2012 199 NCEs and NBEs 199 NCEs and NBEs Not relevant 0.11 A.Included 11.50 0.090 2086.68 2086.68
Sertkaya et al. [49]—Abx (Min—ABSSSI) 2014 Antibacterial drugs Not relevant A hypothetical new antibacterial drug for six indications A hypothetical new antibacterial drug Not relevant 0.09 58.58h 84.47h 2.75 0.110 A.Not estimated
Sertkaya et al. [49]—Abx (Max—HABP/VABP) 0.09 142.30h 168.19h 5.63 0.110
Sertkaya et al. [49]—Vaccines Vaccines A model based on a theoretical new vaccine in preventing ABOM A hypothetical vaccine 0.39 230.24h 315.47h 6.70 0.110
Mestre-Ferrandiz et al. [48] 2012 Mixed

If one of the intervals was completed between 1998 and 2002:

Intervals: (1) Pre-first toxicity dose; (2) first toxicity dose to first human dose; (3) first human dose to first patient dose; (4) first patient dose to first pivotal dose; (5) first pivotal dose to first core submission; (6) first core submission to first core launch

97 NMEs 209 NMEs 16 0.11 804.13 1029.34 5.90 0.110 1235.90 1724.12
Adams and Brantner [51] 2010 Mixed 1989–2001 All NCEs that fulfil the selection criteria 2245 observations (firm/year) 183 0.24 702.08 702.08 6.20 0.110 1,785.85 1,785.85
Paul et al. [52] 2010 Mixed 2000–2007 No clear number of NCEs and NBEs No info 13 0.12 652.96 1,040.21 6.50 0.110 1,079.53 2,118.55
DiMasi and Grabowski [53] 2007 Therapeutic recombinant proteins and mAbs 1990–2003 17 NBEs (4 from DiMasi et al. [18], 13 from a Biotech firm) 522 NBEs 4 (3 companies from DiMasi et al. [18] and 1 Biotech firm) 0.30 463.39 717.75 6.81 0.115 803.18 1591.65
Adams and Brantner [54] 2006 Mixed 1989–2002 Same selected sample as DiMasi et al. [18]: 68 NCEs 3181 NCEs Cash expense costs from DiMasi et al. [18] (10 companies). Developing times and success rates sample based on Pharmaprojects 0.24 446.05 637.42 6.58 0.110 700.73 1248.94
DiMasi et al. [55]—All 2004 Mixed 1983–1994 68 NCEs All compounds in the Tufts CSDD database that met the inclusion criteria 10 0.22 405.48 405.48 6.01 0.110 670.51 670.51
DiMasi et al. [55]—Anes Analgesic/anesthetic 10 of the 68 NCEs and NBEs 0.25 359.36 359.36 3.87 539.58 539.58
DiMasi et al. [55]—Abx Anti-infective 9 of the 68 NCEs and NBEs 0.25 517.77 517.77 4.21 707.92 707.92
DiMasi et al. [55]—CV Cardiovascular 12 of the 68 NCEs and NBEs 0.18 401.75 401.75 5.08 661.88 661.88
DiMasi et al. [55]—CNS CNS 13 of the 68 NCEs and NBEs 0.18 394.10 394.10 7.71 758.28 758.28
DiMasi et al. [18] 2003 Mixed 1983–1994 68 (61 NCEs, 7 NBEs) 583 NCEs and NBEs 10 0.22 405.50 579.60 6.01 0.110 671.64 1153.66
Global Alliance for TB Drug Development [56]—Min 2001 Tuberculosis Not relevant One hypothetical project to develop a new TB drug One hypothetical project to develop a new TB drug Not relevant 0.10 A. Included 6.58 0.100 109.35 166.91
Global Alliance for TB Drug Development [56]—Max 0.10 9.30 0.120 165.47 345.33
Young and Surrusco [24]—Min 2001 Mixed FDA approval between 1990 and 1996 Base results based on 207 NCEs. R&D costs based on all approved drugs were also estimated 563 new drugs Not relevant Not considered A.Included 247.97 Estimations were based on the average (per year) R&D spending over a 7-year period divided by the average (per year) number of drugs approved during the previous 7 years COC not considered A.Not estimated
Young and Surrusco [24]—Max FDA approval between 1994 and 2000 234 NCEs. R&D costs based on all approved drugs were also estimated 667 new drugs 326.65
DiMasi et al. [57]—Small firms 1995 Mixed 1970–1982 23 of the 93 NCEs The selected data correspond to 19% of all NCEs in the database 5 of 12 0.24 78.52 291.89 4.66 0.090 132.68 674.68
DiMasi et al. [57]—Medium firms 33 of the 93 NCEs 4 of 12 0.17 139.26 277.16 6.13 221.36 545.58
DiMasi et al. [57]—Large firms 37 of the 93 NCEs 3 of 12 0.28 97.16 235.23 5.72 143.59 451.18
DiMasi et al. [58]—All 1995 Mixed 1970–1982 93 NCEs All drugs in the CSDD database that meet the inclusion criteria 12 0.23 97.10 230.11 No information for clinical phases only. 8.24 years reported for the clinical and submission period 0.090 152.38 472.77
DiMasi et al. [58]—NSAID Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory 8 of the 93 NCEs 0.22 162.27 162.27 8.29 265.07 265.07
DiMasi et al. [58]—CV Cardiovascular 21 of the 93 NCEs 0.26 101.41 101.41 7.63 160.52 160.52
DiMasi et al. [58]—Abx Anti-infective 15 of the 93 NCEs (one outlier was excluded) 0.30 79.88 246.15 5.03 114.43 393.17
DiMasi et al. [58]—Neuro Neuropharmacological 18 of the 93 NCEs 0.20 97.16 97.16 6.53 167.82 167.82
DiMasi et al. [16] 1991 Mixed 1970–1982 93 NCEs The selected data correspond to 19% of all NCEs in the database 12 0.23 94.57 223.56 5.72 0.090 148.10 454.53
Wiggins [59] 1987 Mixed FDA approval between 1970 and 1985 223 NCEs 324 NCEs No information Not considered A.Not estimated 131.17 Not considered 0.080 252.25 252.25
Hansen [60] 1979 Mixed 1963–1975 Around 100 NCEs Sample corresponds to around 15% of the NCEs taken into human testing by the 25 firms surveyed during the study conducted by Hansen [61] 14 0.13 48.79 105.93 4.58 0.080 68.74 176.15

Additional information can be found in electronic supplementary information 2.

Source: Authors’ elaboration

A.Not estimated assumed to be NOT estimated (the analysis of the article suggests that this particular calculation of R&D costs was NOT estimated), A.Included assumed to be included (the value is not reported; however, our analysis suggests that the R&D costs for that particular phase are reflected in the TOTAL R&D reported), All estimation includes all the observations in the sample, ABOM acute bacterial otitis media, ABSSSI acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections, Abx anti-infectives, Anes analgesics/anesthetic, CNS central nervous system, COC cost of capital, CSDD Center for the Study of Drug Development, CV cardiovascular, HABP/VABP hospital-acquired/ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia, mAbs monoclonal antibodies, Max maximum reported value, Min minimum reported value, NBE new biological entity, NCE new chemical entity, Neuro neuropharmacological, NME new molecular entity, NPV net present value, NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, R&D research and development, SMEs small and medium enterprises, TB tuberculosis

aEach row corresponds to the information related to one main R&D estimate. When more than one R&D cost estimate is reported, we refer to each by including the reference of the corresponding article and a keyword that describes the main characteristic of the R&D cost estimate

bMillion US dollars—2019 prices

cConsiders failures and includes all estimated phases (when animal testing has been estimated separately, it is also included here)

dConsistency and completeness of company reporting in the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings vary. Therefore, Wouters et al. [19] categorized each selected data point as high, medium, or low quality, depending on the availability and consistency of reported data

eThe authors reported only the average cash estimated per investigational compound (cash spent in R&D, not considering failures). Values are presented in electronic supplementary information 2

fAuthors collected information by drug candidate, starting from the year in which the company began reporting costs for that particular drug in their financial statements until approval. This period could include 1 or more years of preclinical costs. The development time reported by the authors is based on the average time of all drugs included in the analysis. This means that, for some of these drugs, time also includes a few years of preclinical trials

gÅrdal et al. [47] considered only phase I and phase II

hWe assumed that Sertkaya et al. [49] considered the risk of failure. They used a decision tree model to estimate the costs. There is a decision node in each trial phase with the success rate to transit to the next phase, and the terminal nodes represent the NPV of each outcome (failure or success at each phase). The final figure, the expected NPV of a successful antibiotic, was obtained by working backward from each terminal node to the beginning of the R&D process