Field name
Field data description
Field ID
Unique ID for each data entry |
Cruise Name
Name of the research expedition |
Research Vessel
Name of the vessel on which the expedition took place |
Leg Number
Contains the leg of a single expedition during which the data were generated |
Geographical Area
Mid Ocean Ridge segment where the data were collected |
Area sector
Contains information if the data were collected within or outside a cluster and in which cluster the data were collected. The clusters are within the German licence area for the exploration of polymetallic sulphide occurrences and were issued by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources ( on behalf of the International Seabed Authority ( |
Year of the expedition |
Sampling Date
Date of data collection (year-month-day) |
Time stamp (on video/still photo)
Time (hours:minutes:seconds) of the data collection in UTC |
Sampling start time
Start time of the individual transect (hours:minutes) |
Sampling start depth
Depth (m) at the starting point of the transect |
Sampling start latitude
Latitude at the starting point of the transect |
Sampling start longitude
Longitude at the starting point of the transect |
Sampling end time
End time of the individual transect (hours:minutes) |
Sampling end depth
Depth (m) at the end point of the transect |
Sampling end latitude
Latitude at the end point of the transect |
Sampling end longitude
Longitude at the end point of the transect |
Area or Volume sampled (m)
Length (m) of the entire transect |
Local name of the sampling area or hydrothermal vent field name |
Geodetic Datum
Global reference frame for precisely measuring locations on Earth |
Coordinate uncertainty in Meters
Accurracy deviation of the underwater acoustic Ultra-short-baseline (USBL) positioning in metres |
Station ID
Name of individual station including the year of expedition |
Transect ID
Name of the individual transect |
Sample ID
Name of the individual sample collected |
Voucher Specimen Code
Unique code for each sampled specimen |
Genetic marker targeted |
PCR Result
Descriptor for the success of extracting DNA with the Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) |
Sequence Result
Descriptor for the successful sequencing result of the extracted DNA |
Photograph frame code of sampled specimen
Photograph name of the sampled specimen |
Sampling Gear (code)
Abbreviation of the tool or gear used for the data collection |
Descriptor for the preparation of collected data including information of the fixation of sampled specimens |
Institution Storing Imagery and Samples
Abbreviation of Institute where samples are stored |
Recorded By
Abbreviation of Institute that has the copyright of imagery |
Occurrence Status
Indication for the occurrence status of the identified taxon in the data |
Identification Remarks
Indicating potential limitations related to the available material and data type used for the identification (imagery, physical sample or both) |
Language of the data entry |
Basis of Record
Descriptor if the identification record was based on Human observtaion (indirect, imagery only) or Preserved Specimen (direct, including physical samples) |
Dataset Name
Name of the Dataset, equivalent with the project name INDEX (Indian Ocean Exploration Project) |
Number of sampled individuals
Indicating how many of the photographed individuals were collected and are present as a physical sample |
Number of counted individuals
Number of individuals of a specific taxon that were counted in the photograph present. The number "0" indicates different photograph or sample of an identical specimen, the number "100" indicates that precise counting was not possible and an uncountable number of individuals was present. |
Frame Code (on video/still photo)
Name of the photograph or frame grab showing the identified taxon |
Area of image
Showing the total area of each photograph or frame grab in pixels (length x width) |
Video/photo sled ID code
Name of the tool or gear used for the data collection |
Technical specifications of camera equipment
Specification of the camera used or if a frame grab was extracted from a high definition (hd) or standard definition (sd) video |
Taxonomic classification hierarchy level: Kingdom |
Identification: Phylum
Taxonomic classification hierarchy level: Phylum |
Identification: Class
Taxonomic classification hierarchy level: Class |
Identification: Order
Taxonomic classification hierarchy level: Order |
Identification: Family
Taxonomic classification hierarchy level: Family |
Identification: Genus
Taxonomic classification hierarchy level: Genus |
Identification: Species
Taxonomic classification hierarchy level: Species |
Taxon rank
Lowest possible identification level |
Identification Qualifier
Descriptor for the confidence of the identification level |
Scientific Name authorship
Authority and year of the original taxon description |
Identification: putative species name or number
Putative taxon name regardless the identification level including the identification qualifier |
Identification Molecular
Result of the molecular identification if present |
Morphological Taxonomist
Responsible taxonomist who identified the taxon the putative taxon name or number |
Morphological Taxonomist E-mail
Current email adress of the taxonomist |
Morphological Taxonomist Institution
Current Institution of the taxonomist |
Behaviour of the observed and identified individual |
Specimen Details: Life Stage
Life stage of the identified individual, if possible |
Specimen Details : Tissue Descriptor
Tissue used for the molecular DNA extraction |
Specimen Details: Associated Taxa
Associated taxa in the close vicinity of the identified taxon |
Specimen Details : Associated Specimens
Associated specimens in symbiosis or attached to the identified individual |
Hydrothermal activity
Indicating if the identified taxon was observed in an area with hydrothermal activity or not |
Activity of hydrothermal vent site (active/inactive/dormant/diffuse flow)
Indicating the level of hydrothermal activity from high to low/no activity in the categories "active", "diffuse flow", "inactive", "dormant", "non-vent", respectively |
Age of hydrothermal vent (100 - >10,000 years)
Estimated and categorised age of hydrothermal vent field from young (100 years) to old (10,000 years) |
Water Body
Ocean in which data or samples were collected |
Water Temperature (°C)
Water temperature in degrees Celsius at the location of the observed individual (if measured) |
Salinity (ppt)
Salinity in parts per thousand at the location of the observed individual (if measured) |
Depth (m)
Depth (m) at the location of the observed individual |
Image Type
Indicating if the data were derived from a photograph or from video imagery |
Exposure time of the camera used |
Indicating the sensitivity of the CMOS sensor towards light. A higher ISO speed indicates higher sensitivity to light. |
Focal length
Measure of how strongly the camera converges the light |
Use of picture
Descriptor of which photographs were extracted for identification, were extracted and send to taxonomists for precise identification and extracted, identified and shown in the publication as an example of that taxon |
Latitude in decimal degrees of the observed individual |
Longitude in decimal degrees of the observed individual |