Table 1.
Examples of verbatim participant responses by category.
Committed positive | Committed negative | Exposed to positive | Exposed to negative | NonERB | |
Experiment 1 |
I recycled my bottle Bought a solar panel and inverter for my house I took a quick shower |
Used plastic bags for garbage Burning wood Used energy to watch tv |
I saw some people driving Tesla Watched an interview on tv about carbon credits |
Saw somebody throw rubbish from their car Watched a documentary about water pollution in China |
I read a book Sleeping Made fun of someone behind his back |
Experiment 2 |
Wash laundry with cold water I replaced all the lighting in my house with LED bulbs We had totally vegetarian meal |
I took an extra long shower to relax I tossed trash on the ground because there was no garbage can near by I threw my cigarette out the car window |
Listened to a speech about the green new deal I read an article about a device in the ocean that will suck up garbage Saw a sign at the gym about a recycling program |
Trump says windmills cause cancer My dad told me about the coral reefs being destroyed I had seen an video on world’s most polluted river located in Indonesia |
Helped my wife with the dishes I told a joke to a friend I danced with my 2 year old |