GCAP1 accumulates with RetGC inside wildtype and R838S+ROS.A–D, immunofluorescence in the wildtype retinas probed with anti-GCAP1 rabbit polyclonal antibody (red) (A, C, and D) and anti-CNG1 mouse polyclonal antibody (cyan) (B, C, and D); the merged anti-GCAP1 and anti-CNG1 fluorescence (C and D) were superimposed on DIC image (D). E–G, anti-RetGC1 (AlexaFluor 543, red) and anti-CNG1 (AlexaFluor 647, pseudocolored cyan) immunofluorescence in photoreceptors of 3.5-week-old wildtype (E and F) and R838S+ (G) mice. In F (left panel), the magnified region of the wildtype retina (marked with the rectangle in E) was scanned along the dashed line; the distribution of the respective fluorescence intensities is shown in the right panel. Pearson's correlation coefficient for the two fluorochromes in (E) was 0.31 ± 0.25 (n = 8). See Experimental procedures section for details. CNG, cyclic nucleotide–gated; DIC, differential interference contrast image; GCAP, guanylyl cyclase–activating protein; RetGC, the retinal membrane guanylyl cyclase; ROS, rod outer segment.