Mutants of TCP-1 ring complex (TRiC) exhibit Polycomb group (PcG)-like behavior. (A–D) Heterozygous male flies for Pc (+/Pc1 and +/PcXL5) obtained by crossing Pc (Pc1 and PcXL5) alleles with w1118 exhibit strong extra sex comb phenotype, and these heterozygous males were used as control. CCT7 (CCT7KG01477) and CCT5 (CCT506444) mutants crossed to two different alleles of Pc (Pc1 and PcXL5) significantly enhanced extra sex comb phenotype in CCT7KG01477/Pc
(A,B) and CCT506444;Pc
(C,D) mutants, respectively, when compared with control (+/Pc1 and +/PcXL5). Here, 200 male flies with desired genotype from the progeny of each cross were scored for extra sex combs. Flies were categorized based on the number of extra sex comb bristles on the second and third pairs of legs (Tariq et al., 2009) as follows: –, no extra sex combs on second or third pair of legs; +, 1–2 bristles on the second leg; ++, 3 or more bristles on the second leg; +++, 3 or more bristles on the second leg and 1–2 bristles on the third leg; ++++, strong sex combs on both second and third pairs of legs. Percentages of flies for each category of phenotype, heterozygous Pc1/+ and PcXL5/+ males and CCT7KG01477/Pc1 and CCT7KG01477/PcXL5 double mutant male flies, are provided in Supplementary Table 1. The percentage of flies for each category was plotted as bar graphs. Error bars represent standard error of the mean (SEM) from three independent experiments. Statistical significance was calculated using t-test (* p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.01, *** p ≤ 0.001, **** p ≤ 0.0001). (E,F)
CCT7/trx1 double mutant males from progeny of CCT7 mutants crossed to trx1 were scored for suppression of A5 to A4 transformation. As compared to wild-type flies (E, left panel), heterozygous trx mutant (+/trx1) males obtained from the cross of w1118 with trx1 mutant exhibit loss of abdominal pigmentation on A5 segment (E, middle panel), i.e., phenotype referred to as A5 to A4 transformation, and appearance of bristle on sternite 6 (s6, marked with black arrow). As compared to trx heterozygous (+/trx1) male flies, CCT7 mutations suppressed A5 to A4 transformation phenotypes in CCT7/trx1 double mutant male (E, right panel) flies. Flies were categorized into wild-type (E, left panel) and A5 to A4 transformation (E, middle panel) based on abdominal pigmentation phenotype. Percentage of flies obtained for each category of phenotype was plotted as bar graphs (F). Error bars represent SEM from two independent experiments. Statistical significance was calculated using two-way ANOVA (*** p ≤ 0.001).