Heterogeneity of TNBC single cells revealed through ICGS2 and UMAP dimensionality reduction analysis of TNBC-derived single cells pre- and post-NAC
(A) Unsupervised single-cell population identification using ICGS2 algorithm conducted on 719 extinction (responders) and 525 persistence (non-responders) single cells pre-NAC and 894 extinction (responders) and 687 persistence (non-responders) single cells post-NAC. Data are presented as heatmap with the enriched cell population indicated on the left legend and the corresponding single-cell cluster on top. Color scale displays differential gene expression (log2). Lower legend indicated cell origin. (B) UMAP dimensionality reduction analysis revealing 13 cell clusters pre- and post-NAC. EXT_POST, extinction post-NAC; EXT_PRE, extinction pre-NAC; PER_PRE, persistence pre-NCA; PER_POST, persistence post-NAC.