The significance of the association (−log10[P value]; left y axis) for each trait is plotted relative to the genomic positions on the hg19/GRCh37 genomic build (x axis). The symbols reflect genomic functional annotations. SNPs are colored to reflect their LD with rs1883832 (indicated with a purple dot). a, Expression of CD27 on IgD−CD38dim cells. The P values were obtained using a linear mixed association model. b, CD40 expression on leukocytes calculated using RNA-seq data from Pala et al.54. c–e, Association profiles for the autoimmune diseases MS (c), RA (d) and IBD (e). The data plotted in c–e are from published results16,19,55. Genes, position of exons and direction of transcription are noted below e. The plots were drawn using the standalone version of LocusZoom56.