Detecting coherent spin
waves and incoherent magnon densities using
NV spins in diamond. (a) A diamond cantilever, with NVs implanted
∼20 nm below the tip surface, is mounted in an AFM setup and
used for probing the stray field of spin waves that are excited by
a gold stripline. The NV spins are initialized using a green laser
and read out via spin-dependent photoluminescence (PL). Insets: scanning
electron micrographs of diamond cantilever and tip. (b) Normalized
NV photoluminescence vs external field B0 and microwave drive frequency. The ESR frequencies (f±) of the NV family that is most aligned with B0 are labeled. The strong PL response close
to the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) is a result of the process depicted
in (d). The FMR is calculated as , where
γ = 28 GHz/T, μ0 = 4π × 10–7 H/m, Ms = 1.42 × 105 A/m, and BIP is the in-plane magnetic
field component (Supporting Information Note 4). (c) Spatial map
of the normalized NV ESR PL showing a coherent spin wave excited unidirectionally
(to the right) by applying a microwave current at f– through the stripline. On the left of the stripline
there is no detectable spin-wave signal. The film is magnetized along
the stripline direction by a magnetic field B0 (orange arrow), which is set to a low value (B0 ≈ 0 mT) in this measurement. At each pixel, the
measured PL under microwave driving is normalized to that without
microwave driving (PL0). The image is low-pass filtered
to reduce pixel-by-pixel noise. (d) Sketch of the spin-wave dispersion
(black line) and its occupation by magnons (color gradient). Without
microwave driving (left), only thermally excited magnons are present.
Microwave (MW) driving near the FMR frequency (oscillating arrow in
right panel) increases the magnon density, which can be detected via
the increased stray-field noise at the NV ESR frequencies (f±).