Schematic presentations of common root nomenclatures related to specific root morphological and anatomical traits. (a) Macrorhiza and brachyrhiza (fine roots) and woody coarse roots (example: Tilia sp.; modified after Kubíková, 1967). Macrorhiza, description of layers from periphery to centre: (1) rhizodermis, cortex, stage 0 endodermis, stele with four protoxylem groups; (2) rhizodermis, cortex, stage I endodermis, stele with first metaphloem and ‐xylem; (3) rhizodermis, cortex, stage I–II endodermis, pericycle, phloem with parenchyma, cambium, xylem; Brachyrhiza with ectomycorrhizal symbiont: (1) mycorrhizal mantle, rhizodermis, cortex, stage I endodermis, stele with two protoxylem groups; (2) mycorrhizal mantle, rhizodermis, cortex, stage I–II endodermis, phloem, cambium, xylem; Nonmycorrhized brachyrhiza: (1) rhizodermis, cortex, stage 0 endodermis, stele with two protoxylem groups; (2) rhizodermis, cortex, stage 1 endodermis, phloem, cambium, xylem. Woody coarse root: l) periderm, phellogen, secondary phloem, vascular cambium, secondary xylem. Dividing (cross‐hatch), lignified (filled) or suberised (horizontal hatch) tissues and hyphal mantel (diagonal hatch) are indicated. (b) Cluster root with two groups of abundant, short lateral roots (rootlets) with root hairs. (c) Taproot, sinker and horizontal roots in a schematic tree root system. See Box 1 and text for further information on root entities and synonyms; drawings not to scale.