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. 2021 Oct 14;22:291. doi: 10.1186/s13059-021-02502-z

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Features of PAS sites. a Barplot showing the percentage of PAS sites annotated in the PolyA_DB 3 database [47]. b Cumulative density of the number of identified PAS sites identified. c Barplot representing the genic location—3′ and 5′ UTRs, introns, exons, and intergenic regions—of PAS sites as defined by HOMER [48] (left), and the genomic locations of PAS sites defined using ChromHMM annotations [49] (right). For the latter, the four annotations represented are enhancer, promoter, repressed, and transcription (txn) elongation. Eleven other annotations were collapsed together as "Other" (see the “Methods” section)