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. 2021 Jun 21;25(9):1876–1897. doi: 10.1002/ejp.1811


Characteristics of included studies

Reference LBP type, duration. Total N in placebo and control groups, mean age (SD) and percentages females Study design Outcome measurement Placebo group Control group Protocol Results
Bialosky et al., (2014) Not specified, Duration: 16 weeks

N = 72,

Age: 31.68 (11.85)

Females (%) : 64%

RCT 0 (baseline) and 2 weeks (postintervention) Sham manipulative therapy and enhanced sham by instructions No‐treatment: sit down and wait. 5 therapy sessions in 2 weeks, each lasting 5 min.

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline: NRS placebo; 43.78 (22.45)/NRS control; 33.93 (26.21)

Within groups: NRS placebo; 29.88 (20.64), DS: 14.04 (3.51)/NRS control; 25.73 (22.04), DS: 8.20 (2.39)

Between (all) groups: p =.68, ES (η2) = 0.02


Baseline: ODI placebo; 14.22 (8.56)/ODI control; 20.04 (15.27)

Within groups: ODI placebo: 12.23 (10.22), DS: 2.08 (1.44)/ODI control: 17.50 (12.66), DS: 2.53 (1.60)

Between (all) groups: p =.73, ES (η2) = 0.01

Borges et al. (2013) CLBP, Duration: 4.4 years

N = 29


39.6 (9.6)

Females (%) : 77%

RCT 0 (baseline), 3 and 6 weeks (postintervention) Sham laser application on acupressure points No‐intervention 12 therapy sessions in 6 weeks, each lasting 20 min.

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline: NRS placebo; 5.7 (1.0)/NRS control: 5.0 (1.2)

Within groups: NRS placebo; 4.8 (1.5)–4.7 (1.0), p >.05, ES(d) = 17% /NRS control; 5.3 (1.0)–5.9 (1.2), p >.05, ES(d) = −17%

Between groups a : Z = 1.06, p =.29, ES(smd) = 0.38

Disability: not assessed

Brinkhaus et al., (2006) CLBP, Duration: 14.7 (11.1) years

N = 144

Age: 58.8 (9.1)

Females (%) : 68%

RCT 0 (baseline), and 8 weeks. Minimal acupuncture with needling of nonspecific areas. Waiting list group could use NSAIDs as back up medication 12 sessions of 30 min in 8 weeks; in the first 4 weeks twice a week, than weekly for remaining 4 weeks.

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline: NRS placebo; 66.6 (15.7)/NRS control; 66.1 (13.6)

Within groups: NRS placebo; 43.7 (29.8), DS 23.6 (31.0)/NRS control; 58.6 (25.1), DS 6.9 (22.0)

Between groups a : Z = 3.18, p =.001, ES(smd) = 0.54


Baseline: PDI placebo; 31.5 (11.1)/PDI control; 31.0 (13.3)

Within groups: PDI placebo; 21.5 (13.2)/PDI control; 27.1 (14.1).

Between groups a : Z = 4.02, p <.001, ES(smd) = 0.69

Bush et al., (1985) CLBP, Duration: 10–13 years

N = 48,

Age: 20–65 yrs.

Females (%): 47%

RCT 0 (baseline), postintervention and 3 months (follow‐up) Stabilization of back with temperature feedback Waiting list group At least 8 intervention sessions, each lasting 40 min. + exercises at home 4/day.

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline: NRS placebo; 3.37/NRS control; 3.32

Within groups: not shown

Between (all) groups: MANOVA for DLBP and MGPQ was not significant

Disability: not assessed

Carvalho et al., (2016) CLBP, Duration: not reported

N = 76,


Placebo: 44.4 (13.2)


44.1 (13.7)

Females (%) : 71%

RCT 0 (baseline), and 3 weeks. Open label placebo where participants are informed that they will receive an inert substance. Usual care, after 3 weeks of testing participants could still use placebo pills if they wanted to. Placebo pills twice a day for 3 weeks.

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline: NRS placebo; 4.8 (1.8)/NRS control; 5.0 (1.7)

Within groups: NRS placebo; DS 1.48 (1.79)/NRS control; DS 0.44 (2.13)

Between groups:

F = 11.02, p <.001, ES(g) = 0.76

Clinical pain (bothersomeness):

Baseline: NRS placebo; 6.0 (2.1)/NRS control; 5.6 (2.3)

Within groups: NRS placebo; 1.44 (2.46)/NRS control; 0.78 (2.61)

Between groups:

F = 1.71; p =.195 ES(g) = 0.21


Baseline: RMDQ placebo; 8.5 (4.6), RMDQ control; 9.9 (5.2)

Within groups: RMDQ placebo; DS 2.86 (3.91)/RMDQ control; DS 0.02 (3.73)

Between groups:

F = 12.10, p <.001, ES(g) = 0.74

Charron et al., (2006) CLPB, Duration: 8.4 (6.9) years

N = 16,

Age: 39.8 (13.2)

Females (%): 37.5%

Cross‐over study, pseudo random. 0 (baseline) and postintervention Injection of 1ml saline with a specific instruction Injection of 1ml saline with a control instruction Two sessions on different days, lasting for 3 hr, receiving both placebo or control on different days.

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline: not reported

Within groups: MANOVA placebo; p =.08/MANOVA control; p >.05.

Between groups: p =.142

Clinical pain(unpleasantness):

Baseline: not reported

Within groups: MANOVA placebo; p =.038/MANOVA control; p >.05

Between groups: p =.046

Disability: not assessed

Cherkin et al., (2009) CLBP, Duration: ≥3 months

N = 363

Age: 47 (13)

Females (%): 62%

RCT 0 (baseline), 8, 26 and 52 weeks. Simulated acupuncture with a toothpick and specific instructions, no skin penetration. Usual care consisting of primary care, pain medications and physiotherapy visits. 10 treatment sessions lasting 20 min in 7 weeks, in the first 3 weeks twice a week, than weekly for remaining 4 weeks.

Clinical pain (bothersomeness):

Baseline: NRS placebo; 4.9 (2.3)/NRS control; 5.4 (2.3)

Within groups: NRS Placebo; 3.0 (2.4), 3.5 (2.7), 3.4 (2.7)/NRS control; 4.7 (2.6), 4.4 (2.6), 4.1 (2.6)

Between groups: (placebo >control)

8 weeks MD −1.56 (95% CI −2.11 to −1.02)

p <.05

26 weeks MD −0.78 (95% CI −1.36 to −0.19) p <.05

52 weeks MD −0.62 (95% CI −1.21 to −0.03) p <.05


Baseline: RMDQ placebo; 9.8 (5.1)/RMDQ control; 11.0 (5.1)

Within groups: RMDQ placebo; 5.4 (4.9), 6.4 (6.0), 6.2 (5.8)/RMDQ control; 8.9 (6.0), 8.4 (6.0), 7.9 (6.5)

Between groups: (placebo >control)

8 weeks MD −2.91 (95% CI −3.96 to −1.86)

p <.05

26 weeks MD −0.78 (95% CI −1.36 to −0.19) p <.05

52 weeks MD −0.98 (95% CI −2.11 to 0.14)

p = NS

Degenhardt et al., (2014) CLPB, Duration: 9.1 (6.3) years

N = 20,

Age: 36 (11)

Females (%) : 73%

RCT 0 (baseline), 1 and 24 hr postintervention Sham ultrasound No‐intervention A single session of 60 min, sham ultrasound lasted 20 min and afterwards 40 min resting.

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline b : NRS placebo; 4 (3;4)/NRS control; 4 (2;6)

Within groups b : NRS placebo; 3(1:3), 2.5(2:3), Friedman: p =.01/NRS control; 3.5(2:6), 3.5(2:5), Friedman: p =.64

Between (all) groups: nonparametric testing at 1h and 24 hr; p =.37, p =.51

Disability: not assessed

Eardley et al., (2013)

CLPB, Duration: (per group)

SPKP: 11.6 (8.6)

WLC: 9.2 (6.6)

N = 46,


Sham PKP: 48.1 (10.6)

Waiting list control:

44.6 (10.3)

Females (%) : 60%

RCT 0 (baseline), after every week in first 5 weeks (pain), 5 weeks (postintervention) and 7 weeks (follow‐up). Sham PKP with sham rechecks and without verbal advice Waiting list group for 6 weeks, than randomized to sham or PKP 5 therapy sessions in 5 weeks, each lasting 4–60 min.

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline: VAS placebo; 51.8 (19.2)/VAS control; 52.2 (20.5)

Within groups: VAS placebo; 36.0 (19.8), DS −15.8(18.1)/VAS control; 57.7 (19.2), DS 3.8 (20.9).

Between groups: MD −11.9 (95% CI −20.8; −23.0), p =.10


Baseline: RMDQ placebo; 11.3 (4.1)/RMDQ control; 10.4 (5.2)

Within groups: RMDQ placebo; 4.9(4.5), DS −6.4(5.2)/RMDQ control; 10.1(5.2), DS 0.0(4.6).

Between groups: MD −6.1 (95% CI −5.9; 0.1), p <.005, ES = 1.4

Faas et al., (1993) ALBP, Duration: ≤ 3 weeks

N = 280,

Age: 36

Females (%) : 43%

RCT 0 (baseline), 1 month, 3 months and 12 months (follow‐up) Sham ultrasonography with lowest possible dose next to zero (0.1 watt/cm2) Treatment as usual(painkillers and instructions) 10 sessions in 5 weeks (twice a week) lasting 20 min.

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline: NRS placebo; 36.6/NRS control; 38.1

Within groups: NRS placebo; DS −19 (23), −22 (28), −26 (26)/NRS Control; DS −19 (21), −24 (24), −26 (23).

Between groups a : Z = 0.00, p = 1.00, ES(smd) = 0.00


Baseline: NRS placebo; 23.3/NRS control; 24.3

Within groups: NRS placebo; DS −10 (18), −13 (19), −15 (19)/NRS Control; DS −9 (19), −12 (20), −14 (19).

Between groups a : Z = 0.45, p =.65, ES(smd) = −0.05.

Ikemoto et al., (2020) CLBP, Duration ≥3 months

N = 52,

Age: 66.8 (13.4)

Open label placebo: 68.2 (13.0)

Treatment as usual:

65.3 (13.8)

Females (%): 68.2%

RCT 0 (baseline), week 3 (during intervention), and week 12 (post‐intervention) Open label placebo where participants are informed that they will receive an inert substance. Treatment as usual (education and painkillers) Placebo pills twice a day for 12 weeks

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline: NRS placebo; 5.3 (1.9)/NRS control; 5.5 (1.6)

Within groups: NRS placebo; DS −0.9 (1.8), −1.1 (1.9)/NRS control; −0.2 (1.8), −0.8 (1.9)

Between groups: placebo >control at 3 weeks p =.19, d = 0.38/ at 12 weeks placebo >control F = 1.00, p =.37, η2 = 0.05


Baseline: RMDQ placebo; 9.9 (3.7)/RMDQ control; 10.3 (4.0)

Within groups: RMDQ placebo; −2.2 (2.9)/RMDQ control; −1.4 (3.6)

Between groups: at

3 weeks placebo >control; p =.40; d = 0.24

at 12 weeks placebo >control F = 0.82, p =.37, η2 = 0.02

Kim et al., (2020)

CLBP ≥6 months.

Duration: (per group) SA: 10.6 years (10.8)

ML: 6.0 years (5.4)

TAU: 9.2 years (7.6)

N = 60

Age: 41.2 (12.0)

Sham acupuncture: 41.8 (12.2)

Mock laser acupuncture:

41.7 (12.3)

Treatment as usual:

39.1 (9.8)

Females (%): 52%

RCT 0 (baseline) and during 4 weeks treatment period

Sham acupuncture: acupoints were pressured with non‐penetrating Streitberger needles

Mock laser acupuncture: laser was held over acupoints for 15 s.

Treatment as usual (education +painkillers) Six sham or mock acupuncture treatments over 4 weeks: twice per week in the first half and once per week in the second half.

Clinical pain (bothersomeness):

Baseline: not reported

Within groups: not reported

Between (all) groups: F = 0.26, p =.86

Disability: not assessed

Klinger et al., (2017)

CLBP, Duration: (per group)

OI: 119.33 (75.23) months

OI +cond:

158.83 (138.96) months


165.67 (117.17) months

PI +cond:

162.17 (106.86) months

N = 48,

Age: 49.97 (13.64)

Females (%): 75%

RCT 0 (baseline), before and after first exercise, before and after first solution (postintervention), before and after second exercise, before and after second solution (postintervention). Opioid instruction (with or without conditioning) about an oral saline solution Open placebo instruction (with or without conditioning) about an oral saline solution One session of 2 hr during which 2 solutions were administered after exercises. Conditioning happened between the administration of solutions.

Clinical pain(intensity):

Baseline: VAS Placebo; 5.00 (2.09)/VAS Placebo +cond; 5.08(1.73)/VAS control; 4.67(1.67)/VAS control +cond; 5.25(1.87)

Within groups: VAS Placebo; 4.00 (2.13), 3.00(2.73), p <.01, d = 0.83/VAS Placebo +cond; 3.58(1.56), 1.92(1.73), p <.01 d = 1.83/VAS control; 5.00(1.76), 5.58(1.78), p <.01, d = −0.64/VAS control +cond; 5.25(1.55), 4.58(2.31), p <.26, ES(d) = 0.32.

Between groups: VAS placebo +cond > placebo; MD: −1.08 p: 1.00/VAS placebo +cond > control +cond; MD: −2.67 p: 0.03/VAS placebo +cond > control; MD: −3.92 p: 0.001/VAS placebo >control + cond; MD: −1.58 p: 0.52/VAS placebo >control; MD: −2.83 p: 0.018/VAS control +cond > control; MD: −1.25 p = 1.00


Baseline: FC placebo; 52.52(22.89)/FC placebo +cond; 60.56(20.78)/FC control; 51.11(15.13)/VAS control +cond; 50.00(20.99)

Within groups: FC placebo; 67.78(29.24), p <.01, ES(d) = −0.59/FC placebo +cond; 77.22(15.43), p <.01, d = −0.92/FC control; 44.44(15.66), p =.06, ES(d) = 0.43/FC control +cond; 53.89(24.03), p =.22

ES(d) = −0.17

Between groups a : FC placebo +cond > FC control +cond; Z = 2.51, p =.01, ES(smd) = 1.12/FC Placebo >FC control; Z = 2.21, p =.02, ES(smd) = 0.97

Leibing et al. (2002) CLPB, Duration: 9.6 (8.2) years

N = 91,

Age: 48.1 (9.7)

Females (%): 58%

RCT 0 (baseline), 12 weeks (postintervention) and 9 months (follow‐up) Active physiotherapy for 12 weeks (26 sessions) followed by minimal acupuncture for 12 weeks(20 sessions) Active physiotherapy for 12 weeks, during testing treatment with painkillers 20 intervention sessions in 12 weeks, each lasting 20 min.

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline: VAS placebo; 5.3 (1.8)/VAS control; 5.4 (1.9)

Within groups: VAS placebo; 3.2 (1.9)–3.4 (2.1), DS −2.1 (2.2), −1.8 (2.2)/NH; 4.4 (2.5)–4.5 (2.7), DS −1.0 (1.7), −0.9 (2.0)

Between groups a : Z = 2.52, p =.01, ES(smd) = 0.54


Baseline: PDI placebo; 25.5 (10.4)/PDI control; 24.9 (13.7)

Within groups: PDI placebo; 15.7 (10.1)–16.9 (11.6), DS −9.7 (10.5) −8.5 (11.3)

/PDI control; 22.2 (15.4)–22.6 (15.8), DS −2.6 (7.8), −2.3 (10.0)

Between groups a : Z = 2.32, p =.02, ES(smd) = 0.49

Pires et al. (2020)

CLBP ≥3 months, Duration: (per group)

Placebo: 44.4 (52.6) months


58.2 (76.2) months

N = 42,


Placebo: 38.9 (10.3)

Control: 45.3 (12.0)

Females (%): 75%

RCT 0 (baseline), post‐intervention, and at 30 min (follow‐up). Missner® surgical tape (5 cm in width) placed on the longissimus muscle. No bandage One session during which tape was applied after exercise intervention.

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline: NRS placebo; 7.2 (1.3)/NRS control; 7.0 (2.5)

Within groups: NRS placebo; 6.0 (2.8)–5.0 (3.2)/NRS control; 5.0 (3.2)–5.0 (3.2)

Between groups:


MD: 0.24 (95% CI −1.06; 1.54), p =.72

At 30 min

MD: −0.52 (95% CI −1.83; 0.78)


Baseline: RMDQ placebo; 13.2 (5.3)/RMDQ control; 12.5 (6.7)

Within groups: not assessed

Between groups: not assessed

Pach et al., (2011) CLBP, Duration: 15 (12) years

N = 87,

Age: 57 (11)

Females (%): 64%

RCT 0 (baseline), 8 and 26 weeks. Placebo group received an injection with isotonic saline (rescue pain medication) Rescue pain medication with peripherally acting analgesics 12 treatment sessions in 8 weeks; twice per week in the first half, than once per week in the second half.

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline: VAS placebo; 62.5 (13.9)/VAS control; 59.0 (14.1)

Within groups(mean and 95% CI): VAS placebo; 41.8 (30.1; 53.6), 35.5 (24.2; 46.9)/VAS control; 53.0 (41.8; 64.2), 45.0 (34.1; 55.9).

Between groups a : Z = 1.42, p =.15, ES(smd) = 0.31


Baseline: PDI placebo; 29.0 (13.8)/PDI control; 27.7 (11.8), HFAQ placebo; 61.3 (21.8)/HFAQ control; 65.5 (17.4)

Within groups(mean and 95% CI): PDI placebo; 24.1 (17.7–25.1), 25.9 (22.5; 29.3)/PDI control: 25.9 (22.5; 29.3), 22.7 (18.7; 26.7). HFAQ placebo; 68.4 (63.8; 73.0), 67.4 (61.0; 73.8)/HFAQ control; 64.8 (60.5; 69.1), 64.8 (58.8; 70.9).

Between groups a : Z = 1.54, p =.12, ES(smd) = 0.33

Sanders et al., (1990) ALBP, Duration: <2 weeks

N = 12,



41 (30.9)


33 (8.6)

Females (%): 50%

RCT 0 (baseline), 5 and 30 min (postintervention) Sham manipulation No intervention A single intervention, duration not specified.

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline: not reported

Within groups: not reported

Between groups: no significant difference.

Disability: not assessed

Vas et al., (2012)

ALBP, Duration: (per group)

Sham: 5.0 (3.6) days

Placebo: 6.5 (4.1) days


6.8 (3.9) days

N = 207,



44.0 (9.4)

Placebo: 43.6 (12.2)


41.2 (12.0)

Females (%): 58%

RCT 0 (baseline), 3, 12 and 48 weeks (follow‐up). Sham acupuncture: needling nonspecific points, Placebo acupuncture: temporarily applied pressure with a blunt needle. Conventional Therapy (painkillers and instructions) 5 sessions in 2 weeks lasting 20 min.

Clinical pain (intensity):

Baseline: VAS sham; 71.5 (18.3)/VAS placebo; 68.3 (19.5)/VAS control; 69.5 (18.0)

Within groups: not reported

Between groups: not reported


Baseline: RMDQ Sham; 12.6 (6.3)/RMDQ Placebo; 14.1 (5.2)/RMDQ control 12.4 (5.1)

Within groups: RMDQ sham; DS 65.0 (40.5), 84.7 (28.9), 75.6 (37.4)/RMDQ placebo; DS 43.1 (58.9), 76.3 (41.5), 70.7 (55.4)/RMDQ control; DS 26.6 (58.9), 83.0 (23.2), 63.3 (57.4).

Between groups a : Z = 3.79, p <.001, ES(smd) = 0.75

Abbreviations: ALBP, acute low back pain; CLBP, chronic low back pain; DLBP, Daily Low Back Pain Scale; DS, Difference Score; HFAQ, Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire; MGPQ, McGill Pain Questionnaire; ML, Mock Laser Acupuncture; NRS, Numeric Rating; NSAID, NonSteroidal Anti‐Inflammatory Drugs; OI, Opioid Instruction; PDI, Pain Disability Index; PI, Placebo Instruction; PKP, Professional Kinesiology Practice; RCT, Randomized Controlled Trial; RMDQ, Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire; SA, Sham Acupuncture; SPKP, Sham Professional Kinesiology Practice; TAU, Treatment As Usual; WLC, Waiting List Control.


Between group analyses are conducted by the reviewers.


Numbers are reported as median and interquartile ranges.