Actors in performance regime |
Police, social workers, doctors, local government |
Schools, public health authority, private health insurer, sport clubs, local government |
Private health insurer, sport clubs, addiction center, local government |
Performance goals |
No overarching plan for zone; some generic ambitions to keep zone safe and secure |
Overarching reduction target set by local council; specific goals for specific projects |
Shared ambitions explicated in covenant, though without quantifying goals |
Performance information |
Regular on‐the‐ground information‐sharing, but no structured exchanges about overall performance |
Information exchange within projects; yearly city‐wide survey of the obesity rate |
Ongoing information‐sharing between the various initiatives |
Performance assessment |
No joint assessment among on‐the‐ground partners; frequent debate about zone among politicians |
Joint assessment of specific projects, no collective reviews of overall initiative |
Ongoing assessments of initiatives; commitment to joint review at end of covenant period |
Performance actions |
Regular on‐the‐ground learning and follow‐up, but no overall joint policy formulation |
Occasional adjustments after review of projects, no overall joint review of actions |
Commitment to improve and adapt initiative after four years |