PRISMA‐style flowcharts and some variations. (A) The classic flow‐chart: all searches are conducted around the same date, and screening occurs after de‐duplication. (B) Records are obtained from different databases (or other sources, e.g. personal archives or requests) and screened separately. De‐duplication occurs after at least one stage of screening. (C) The studies included after a classic search are then used as the ‘seed’ for a new search, based on citation information. Authors can retrieve all papers cited in included articles (backwards search), and all papers that cite the included articles (forwards search). A second round of de‐duplication and screening then occurs. (D) When a systematic review is an update of an already existing one, the newly found papers are added to the existing (old) set of included papers. As a further extension, it would be beneficial to record, and report, how many of the included articles originate from each source. For example, if one database contributed none of the included articles, then updates of the review could save time by not screening articles from that database.