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. 2021 Mar 24;37(7):e3449. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3449


Summary of main technologies for hypoglycaemia detection and prediction

Next‐gen sensors Prediction algorithms EKG detection EEG detection NIR detection Breath detection Galvanic skin response detection
Prevention level ‐Detection at low threshold ‐Prediction before reaching low threshold ‐Detection at first symptoms ‐Detection at first symptoms ‐Detection at low threshold and at first symptoms ‐Point of care test ‐Detection at first symptoms
‐Severe hypoprevention ‐Severe hypoprevention ‐Severe hypoprevention ‐Severe hypoprevention
Level of development ‐In silico trials ‐In silico trials for complex models ‐Small cohort trials ‐Small cohort trials ‐In silico trials ‐In silico trials ‐Commercial devices existing
‐Experimental sensors ‐First algorithms available ‐Existing wearable prototypes ‐Existing wearable prototype ‐Experimental prototypes ‐Small cohort trials
‐Experimental prototype
Remaining gaps ‐Toxicity and biocompatibility trials ‐Real‐life validation for multivariable algorithms ‐Validation in patients with heart diseases and in large trials ‐Validation in large trials for day and night ‐Development of wearable NIR devices ‐Development of a prototype for continuous use ‐Accuracy improvements
‐Industrialisation process ‐Postmeal validation accuracy
PROs ‐Better sensibility and accuracy ‐Mid‐term and long‐term prediction ‐Noninvasive measurement ‐Good night‐time accuracy ‐Noninvasive measurement ‐Noninvasive measurement ‐Noninvasive measurement
‐MARD reduction ‐Possibility to combine with closed‐loops ‐Good accuracy ‐Possibility to improve towards CGM
‐Possible reduction of invasiveness
CONs ‐Invasive and expensive devices ‐Risks of patients' overreactions ‐Device lifetime of few days ‐Invasive device ‐Unknown CONs (early stage of development) ‐Needs to breath towards the device in actual prototypes ‐Low accuracy in patients with hypo unawareness
‐Need to inform algorithm with data

Abbreviations: CGM, continuous glucose monitoring; CON; MARD, mean absolute relative difference; NIR, near‐infrared; PRO.