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. 2021 Oct 1;12(11):2977–2991. doi: 10.1007/s13300-021-01157-0

Table 4.

Sensitivity analyses results

Analysis Discounted quality-adjusted life expectancy, QALYs Discounted combined costs, SEK ICER based on combined costs, SEK per QALY gained
MiniMed 780G isCGM plus MDI or CSII Difference MiniMed 780G isCGM plus MDI or CSII Difference
Base case 14.25 12.31  + 1.95 3,414,589 2,687,181  + 727,408 373,700
HbA1c reduction of − 0.8% with 780G 14.36 12.31  + 2.05 3,369,655 2,687,181  + 682,474 332,476
HbA1c reduction of − 0.7% with 780G 14.33 12.31  + 2.02 3,387,534 2,687,181  + 700,353 346,607
HbA1c reduction of − 0.6% with 780G 14.30 12.31  + 1.99 3,399,454 2,687,181  + 712,272 358,016
HbA1c reduction of − 0.4% with 780G 14.22 12.31  + 1.92 3,429,771 2,687,181  + 742,590 387,755
Baseline HbA1c of 7.5% in the 780G arm 16.24 12.31  + 3.94 3,673,633 2,687,181  + 986,452 250,547

CSII continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, HbA1c glycated hemoglobin, ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, isCGM intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitor, MDI self-injection of multiple daily insulin doses, QALY quality-adjusted life year, SEK Swedish krona