Fig. 4.
PARGi-sensitive cell lines have lower expression of DNA replication genes. A PARGi-sensitivity assay results summarised as a heatmap. Assay results (except EC50 values) were scaled from 0 to 1, averaged, and cell lines rank ordered accordingly. γH2AX at 48 h is based on nuclear foci quantification. γH2AX at 72 h is based on nuclear intensity. B NanoString DNA replication, mitotic and apoptotic gene Z-scores of cell lines represented by heatmaps where red = high expression; white = average expression and blue = low expression. C Box-whisker plots (min–max) for DNA replication genes Z-scores shown for NanoString compared with RNA-sequencing (RNAseq) data from the CCLE [39]. See also Fig. S4