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. 2021 Jun 30;303:114090. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2021.114090

Table 2.

Descriptive statistics for the psychological scales at baseline and follow-up and results from the repeated-measures ANOVA.

Baseline M (SD) Follow-up M (SD) Time Group Time x group
PSS Female 5.00 (2.93) 4.83 (2.96) F (1, 1754) = 14.02, p = < .001 F (1, 1754) = 43.61, p = < .001 F (1, 1754) = 0.35, p = .56
Male 4.23 (2.66) 3.99 (2.60)
UCLA Female 4.70 (1.45) 4.78 (1.57) F (1, 1754) = 1.31, p = 0.25 F (1, 1754) = 66.01, p = < .001 F (1, 1754) = 2.80, p = .09
Male 4.26 (1.22) 4.24 (1.28)
GAD-7 Female 3.99 (3.87) 3.67 (3.73) F (1, 1754) = 25.88, p = < .001 F (1, 1754) = 110.70, p = < .001 F (1, 1754) = 0.46, p = .50
Male 2.38 (2.83) 2.14 (2.70)
CES Female 12.03 (9.25) 11.61 (9.54) F (1, 1754) = 19.27, p = < .001 F (1, 1754) = 118.02, p = < .001 F (1, 1754) = 0.65, p = .42
Male 8.12 (6.45) 7.52 (6.48)
Age groups
PSS 18-29 5.70 (2.67) 5.73 (2.74) F (1, 1751) = 10.36, p = < .001 F (4, 1751) = 17.66 p = < .001 F (4, 1751) = 0.88, p = .47
30-39 4.77 (2.78) 4.63 (2.80)
40-49 4.46 (2.77) 4.17 (2.74)
50-59 4.56 (2.96) 4.34 (2.85)
> 60 4.16 (2.74) 3.88 (2.72)
UCLA 18-29 4.94 (1.29) 5.02 (1.41) F (1, 1751) = 1.46, p = < .23 F (4, 1751) = 12.82 p = < .001 F (4, 1751) = 0.28, p = .89
30-39 4.62 (1.38) 4.63 (1.50)
40-49 4.26 (1.30) 4.28 (1.36)
50-59 4.45 (1.36) 4.45 (1.47)
> 60 4.36 (1.39) 4.42 (1.48)
GAD-7 18-29 4.32 (4.09) 4.05 (3.83) F (1, 1751) = 25.22, p = < .001 F (4, 1751) = 17.11 p = < .001 F (4, 1751) = 0.56, p = .56
30-39 3.68 (3.53) 3.39 (3.43)
40-49 3.15 (3.16) 2.94 (3.30)
50-59 3.20 (3.83) 2.75 (3.43)
> 60 2.31 (2.86) 2.11 (2.75)
CES 18-29 13.55 (9.13) 13.45 (9.77) F (1, 1751) = 16.29,
p = < .001
F (4, 1751) = 19.67,
p = < .001
F (4, 1751) = 2.42,
p = .05
30-39 10.81 (8.21) 10.48 (8.94)
40-49 9.48 (7.60) 9.09 (8.09)
50-59 10.31 (9.30) 9.12 (8.43)
> 60 8.23 (6.60) 7.84 (6.79)

Note. PSS: Perceived Stress Scale; UCLA: Loneliness Scale-short version; GAD-7: Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7-item; CES: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale.