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. 2021 Oct 18;202:1–9. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2021.10.008

Table 4.

Results of the full linear regression model analysing associations with vaccination intention (adjusted R2 = .698). Parameter estimates relate to the full model containing all predictors. The unstandardised regression coefficients represent the change in likelihood of vaccination for a one-unit increase in the predictor variable (or, for dummy variables, a shift from the reference category to the category concerned). The figures under ‘% variance explained’ represent the percentage of variance in the outcome variable uniquely explained by the item (or set of dummy variables) concerned. The model was based on 1401 cases with complete data.

Predictor variable Level Standardised coefficient Unstandardised coefficient 99% confidence interval P value % variance explained
Block 1 – personal and clinical characteristics
Age Years .046 .008 –.001, .018 .023 .11
Sex (reference: female) Male –.024 –.135 –.364, .094 .129 .05
Ethnicity (reference: black and minority ethnic) White –.002 –.016 –.378, .346 .907 <.01
Religion (reference: none) .935 <.01
Christian .000 .003 –.249, .255
Other .006 .068 –.414, .549
Qualifications (reference: other) Degree equivalent or higher .028 .162 –.070, .393 .066 .07
Employment status (reference: not working/other) .336 .05
Part-time .014 .105 –.236, .446
Full-time –.014 –.080 –.356, .197
Key worker (reference: not key worker) Key worker –.003 –.018 –.280, .245 .863 <.01
Extremely clinically vulnerable – self (reference: no) Yes –.023 –.155 –.444, .134 .166 .04
Extremely clinically vulnerable – household member (reference: no)
–.474, .129
Block 2 – previous influenza vaccination
Did you/will you have a vaccination for influenza last/this winter? (reference: no)
.012, .528
Block 3 – general vaccination beliefs and attitudes
Vaccination is generally good (0–10) 0–10 scale .011 .018 –.079, .116 .627 .01
I am afraid of needles (0–10)
0–10 scale
–.021, .049
Block 4 – beliefs and attitudes about COVID-19
Perceived risk of COVID-19 to people in the UK (reference: major) .822 .02
None/minor –.012 –.166 –.897, .565
Moderate .007 .063 –.380, .507
Significant .002 .015 –.261, .290
Perceived risk of COVID-19 to oneself (reference: major) .021 .21
None/minor .059 .407 –.190, 1.005
Moderate .082 .493 .036, .951
Significant .067 .429 .034, .824
Do you have/have you had COVID-19? (reference: probably/definitely) .288 .08
Probably not .028 .163 –.180, .586
Definitely not –.002 –.010 –.375, .355
Don't know .018 .164 –.283, .610
Do you know anybody who has had COVID-19? (reference: no) Yes .005 .032 –.246, .310 .764 .02
Component 1: perceived severity of COVID-19 –.028 –.083 –.257, .091 .219 .03
Component 2: individual vulnerability to COVID-19 –.045 –.130 –.308, .048 .060 .08
Component 3: trust in COVID-19 management –.005 –.015 –.144, .114 .766 <.01
Component 4: impact of COVID-19 on one's life

–.156, .093
Block 5 – beliefs and attitudes about COVID-19 vaccination
Component 5: social norms .378 1.106 .954, 1.259 <.001a 7.55
Component 6: the necessity of vaccination .460 1.329 1.172, 1.487 <.001a 10.20
Component 7: safety of the vaccine .370 1.068 .923, 1.212 <.001a 7.83
Component 8: adequacy of information about the vaccine .148 .431 .308, .554 <.001a 1.76
Component 9: freedom from restrictions through the vaccine .015 .043 –.077, .164 .353 .02
The way the coronavirus vaccines are being given in the UK goes against the manufacturers’ recommendations .005 .005 –.035, .045 .751 <.01
Only people who are at risk of serious illness from coronavirus need to be vaccinated 0–10 scale –.064 –.061 –.106, −.016 .001a .26
Widespread coronavirus vaccination is just a way to make money for vaccine manufacturers 0–10 scale –.060 –.067 –.128, −.006 .004a .18

p ≤ .01.