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. 2021 Oct 13;12:73–80. doi: 10.2147/SAR.S331349

Table 3.

Factors Associated with Cigarette Smoking (Multivariable Analysis) Among Adolescent in Gode, Eastern Ethiopia, 2020 (N = 341)

Variable Categories Cigarette Smoke COR 95% CI AOR with 95% CI
Yes N(%) No N(%)
Marital status Married 12(27.9) 31(72.1) 1.54(0.74–3.17) 1.30(0.55–3.08)
Not married 60(20.1) 238(79.9)
Educational of the person No formal education 19(30.2) 44(69.8) 1.83(0.99–3.39) 1.29(0.63–2.64)
Attended formal education 53(19.1) 225(80.9) 1 1
Parents chew khat Yes 45(29.6) 107(70.4) 2.52(1.48–4.31) 1.54(0.82–2.90)
No 27(14.3) 162(85.7) 1 1
Have a parents who smoke Cigarette? Yes 54(30.5) 123(69.5) 3.56(1.98–6.39) 2.57(1.32–5.02)*
No 18(11.0) 146(89.0) 1 1
Did you Chew khat? Yes 60(36.8) 103(63.2) 8.06(4.14–15.70) 6.01(2.96–12.23)*
No 12(6.7) 166(93.3) 1 1
Ever used shisha Yes 25(37.9) 41(62.1) 3.01(1.69–5.49) 0.59(0.24–1.44)
No 47(17.1) 228(82.9) 1 1
Have smoker Friends Yes 44(41.1) 63(58.9) 5.12(2.96–8.92) 4.78(2.12–10.76)*
No 28(12.0) 206(88.0) 1 1
Believe Smoking harm health Yes 51(18.5) 224(81.5) 1 1
No 21(31.8) 45(68.2) 2.05(1.12–3.74) 1.73(0.85–3.55)
Have you ever drink alcohol? Yes 3(42.9) 4(57.1) 2.88(0.63–13.17) 1.67(0.29–9.75)
No 69(20.7) 265(79.3) 1 1

Notes: *Significantly associated at a p-value < 0.005. Khat is a plant with fresh leaves and soft twigs with amphetamine like characteristics, with effects including insomnia, euphoria, decreased fatigue, and suppressed appetite when chewed. It is a perennial shrub whose leaves are chewed for its stimulant effect.