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. 2021 Aug 3;46(10):1195–1212. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsab057

Table I.

Characteristics of Included Studies

Study design; control group format Intervention description Intervention frequency and length N Sample age (years)
M ± SD (range); racial/ethnic majority group;
majority sex
Measure of adherence Main adherence findings
Abramson (2015)

Cluster RCT;

Usual care

3-month spirometry with reports returned to the practice and regular medical review 4 visits over a 12-month period 72

Unable to extract M ± SD (8–17)a;

Not reported;

Unable to extract

Subjective Mean adherence improved over 12 months in the intervention group; however, there was no improvement in the control group (mean difference = 0.62, p =.14).
Bender (2015)

Pragmatic RCT;

Usual care

Speech recognition telephone calls to parents were triggered when an ICS refill was due or overdue As indicated for 24 months 899

8.2b ± 0.13


56.3% White;

64.2% male

Pharmacy refills Adherence was higher in the intervention group than the usual care group, p <.001.
Britto (2017)

Longitudinal Crossover Study;

Usual care during nonintervention period

Participants created and scheduled personalized text messages to be sent to their phones for tailored asthma management reminders Access to asthma management messages for 3 months 22

Unable to extract M ± SD (12–22)a;

Unable to extract;

Unable to extract

Electronic monitor Intervention improved ICS adherence by 2.75% per month, p <.01.
Burgess (2010)


Attention control

Participants, their parents, and physicians received feedback from Smartinhaler on the child's adherence over the past month Monthly visits for 4 months 26

9.1b (6–13);

Not reported;

69.2% male

Electronic monitor Adherence was significantly higher in the intervention group, p <.01.
Butz (2006)


Asthma education control

Home-based asthma education, including symptom recognition, appropriate medication practice and healthcare use 6 home visits of 1-h sessions over 6 months 181

4.5 ± 2.1 (2–9);

89.1% African American;

65.6% male

Pharmacy refills Mean number of ICS prescriptions were significantly higher for the control group, p =.02.
Butz (2010)


Asthma education control

Caregiver-clinician asthma communication skills education, assistance in arranging clinician visits, and health educator attending child's primary care visits 4 home visits over an 8-week period plus attendance at primary care clinic visit over 6 months 156

8.0 ± 1.9 (6–12);

92.6% African American;

60.6% male

Pharmacy refills Intervention participants trended towards a higher ICS to total asthma medication ratio at 12 months, p =.07.
Butz (2014)


Attention control consisting of home asthma education

Home asthma education visits, nurse attendance at child's PCP visit, and delivering clinician feedback letter 3 nurse visits over 4 months 274


95.7% African American;

59.3% male

Pharmacy refills No significant difference in mean change in ICS pharmacy refills from baseline to 12 months, p =.66.
Chan (2003)

Experimental versus control;

Office-based traditional education control

Internet-based education and video monitoring system using store-and-forward technology Education given at 2,6,12, and 24 weeks 10

7.6 ± 2.0 (6–17)a;

Not reported;

50% male, 50% female

Pharmacy refills Adherence and refill rate for ICS was comparable and acceptable in both groups.
Chan (2015)


Attention control (no audiovisual reminders)

Electronic monitoring with audiovisual reminders enabled Follow-up visits every 2 months for 6 months 220

8.9b ± 2.5 (6–15)a;

62.2% Non-European;

51.4% male

Electronic monitor Median percentage ICS adherence was 84% in the intervention group, compared to 30% in control group.
Davis (2019)


Usual care

Question prompt list and short video about asthma self-management Single session before seeing provider 296

13.1b ± 2.9 (11–17)a;

63.7% Non-African American;

58.9% male

Subjective Group assignment was not associated with either caregiver or youth reported adherence.
Ducharme (2011)

Single-masked RCT;

Usual care (unformatted prescription)

Written action plan plus formatted prescription provided during acute asthma care visit in ED Single session intervention 211, 98c

Median Age = 4b (1–17)a;

62.1% White;

60.3% male

Electronic monitor Both groups had similar decline in adherence during the initial 14 days. Intervention group had significantly higher adherence between days 15–28.
Duncan (2013)

3-arm RCTd;

Asthma-education attention control

Parent–youth teamwork intervention focused on sharing responsibility for asthma management 4 sessions every 2–3 weeks spanning a 2-month period 29

11.1 ± 1.9 (9–15);

84.3% Caucasian;

59.4% male

Electronic monitor Intervention produced significantly higher rates of ICS adherence compared to control.
Farber and Oliveria (2004)


Usual care

Basic asthma education and written asthma self-management plan as part of an ED visit Single session and 3 brief follow-up phone calls within 3 months 50

7.5 (2–18);

Not reported, authors note sample was predominantly African American;

Not reported

Pharmacy refills Intervention improved number of medication dispensing events compared to control group, p =.004.
Feldman (2012)

Non-randomized controlled study;

Usual care (youth unable to see peak expiratory flow (PEF) feedback)

Children predicted their PEF and viewed their actual PEF values afterwards Twice daily for 6 weeks 85

10.8b ± 0.2 (7–15);

52.1% Puerto Rican;

57.3% male

Electronic monitor Children in PEF-feedback group had better ICS adherence compared to children in PEF-feedback group, p <.01.
Garbutt (2015)



A peer-trainer provided tailored education, skill training, goals setting, and targeted asthma management as well as parenting support Weekly to biweekly phone calls over 6 months 8

Unable to extract M ± SD (3–6);

50% Caucasian, 50% African American;

Not reported

Unable to extract ICS adherence went from 72% to 100%, p =.013.
Gustafson (2012)


Usual care plus asthma information control

eHealth program and monthly telephone call from asthma nurse case manager Yearlong program with monthly telephone calls 259

7.7b ± 2.6 (4–12);

56.8% African American;

61.1% male

Unable to extract Adherence did not change significantly within or between groups.
Harrington (2018)

Pilot prospective RCT;

Usual care (family administered ICS at home 2x/day)

School nurse administered morning ICS 60 days 46

8.2 ± 2.5 (K-8th grade);

91.3% Non-Hispanic African American;

56.5% male

Subjective No significant differences between groups, p =.06.
Hederos (2005)e

Prospective RCT;

Usual care

Parental support group meetings with providers following initial diagnosis 4 group meetings over 6-month period 60

2.3b (0–6)a;

Not reported;

60.0% male

Subjective + Electronic monitor Intervention group had higher objective adherence, p =.06. No significant group differences based on parent report of adherence.
Hederos (2009)e

Prospective RCT;

Usual care

Parental support group meetings with providers

following initial diagnosis

4 group meetings over 6-month period 54

8.3b (6–13)a;

Not reported;

61.1% male

Subjective Doctor-reported adherence was higher in for the intervention group, p <.001. However, parent report indicated no between group differences.
Horner (2016)

3-arm RCTd;

Attention control (general health education)

Single asthma day camp with brief didactic presentations following Asthma Plan for Kids curriculum Single day (4 hours of total content) 173

8.8b ± 1.2 (2nd–5th grade);

60.7% Hispanic;

58.4% male

Unable to extract No significant changes over time or group effects for ICS adherence.
Jan (2007)


Usual care plus educational handouts and written asthma diary

Internet-based multimedia asthma education with interactive asthma monitoring system 12-week access to web-based program 153

10.9b ± 2.5 (6–12);

Not reported;

61.6% female

Unclear Rates of ICS adherence were higher in the intervention group than control, p <.05.
Johnson (2016)


Usual care

Subjects received SMS reminders at user-defined medication administration times 3-week access to scheduled SMS reminders 65

14.2b ± 1.8 (12–17)a;

51.7% Non-African American;

50.6% male

Subjective Intervention patients had a significant improvement in self-reported 7-day adherence, compared to controls, p =.01.
Kenyon (2019)


Attention control (2 reminders to sync sensor)

Automated text message reminders to take ICS Daily texts for 30 days 32

5.9 ± 2.1 (2–13);

85.4% African American;

53.7% male

Electronic monitor No significant differences in mean adherence between intervention and control group.
Kosse (2019)

Cluster RCT;

Usual care

Smartphone app, including asthma-related educational/motivational movies, medication reminder alarm, peer & pharmacist chat, adherence monitoring 6-month access to smartphone app 234

15.1 ± 1.9 (12–18)a;

97.9% Dutch;

52.6% female

Subjective Non-significant improvement in adherence in the intervention group compared to the control, p =.25.
Koumpagioti (2020)


Usual care

Asthma care educational program aimed to develop self-management skills, self-responsibility, and self-efficacy among newly diagnosed youth 45–60 min interactive session 78

8.4b ± 2.8 (4–16)a;

Not reported;

64.1% male

Electronic monitor Median percentage ICS adherence was significantly higher in the intervention compared to the control, p <.001.
Morton (2017)


Usual care (adherence monitoring alone)

Electronic monitoring with daily reminder alarms with feedback in the clinic regarding ICS use Daily reminders plus routine clinic visits every 3 months for 1 year 77

10.4b ± 2.9 (6–16)a;

60.0% White British;

56.2% male

Electronic monitor Average adherence was significantly higher in the intervention compared to the control, p .001.
Mosnaim (2013)


Attention control (doctor-recorded messages only)

Coping peer group support sessions using motivational interviewing approaches and peer-recorded asthma messages delivered via mp3 players Weekly support sessions and access to mp3s over 10 weeks 46

13.4 (11–16);

86.8% Black;

52.9% female

Electronic monitor No significant group differences in median adherence, p =.93.
Naar (2018)e


Attention control (weekly in-home family supportive counseling)

Multisystemic therapy-healthcare intervention Access to MST therapists for 6 months 167

13.3b ± 1.3 (at baseline—see Naar-King et al., 2014) (12–16)a;

100% African American;

61.1% male

Subjective Intervention group demonstrated significantly greater improvements in adherence compared to the control, p =.03.
Naar-King (2014)e


Attention control (weekly in-home family supportive counseling)

Multisystemic therapy-healthcare intervention Access to MST therapists for 6 months 167

13.3b ± 1.3 (12–16)a;

100% African American;

61.1% male

Subjective Intervention group demonstrated significantly greater improvements in adherence compared to the control, p =.03.
Otsuki (2009)

3-arm RCTd;

Home-based asthma education only

Home-based asthma education combined with medication adherence feedback 5 30- to 45- min home visits 167

6.5b ± 3.3 (2–12)a;

98.8% African American;

63.5% male

Pharmacy refills, Subjective No significant differences between groups.
Riekert (2011)



Motivational interviewing-based asthma self-management program 5 30- to 40-min home visits 37

12.5 ± 1.6 (10–16)a;

100% African American;

59.5% male

Subjective No significant changes in mean ratings of ICS adherence based on either parent or youth-report.
Rohan (2013)


Usual care

Provider-delivered problem solving and adherence feedback 2–3 sessions (average length = 15 min) during routine medical care 11

8.5 ± 3.1 (5–14);

63.6% African American;

72.7% male

Electronic monitor Intervention significantly increased adherence rates during the intervention period for all but one patient.
van Es (2001)


Usual care

Individual and group sessions with asthma nurse aimed to increase social support, enhance self-efficacy, and stimulate positive attitude 4.30-min individual visits with asthma nurse and 3.90-min group sessions over a year period 86

13.6b ± 1.4 (11–18);

75.0% Caucasian;

51.8% male

Subjective No significant differences post-intervention. Intervention group had higher adherence than the control group at 24 months, p =.05.
Vasbinder (2016)


Real-time medication monitoring without SMS reminders

Real-time medication monitoring with “time-tailored” SMS medication reminders when participants were at risk of missing a dose As needed SMS reminders over a year period 209

7.8b ± 2.2 (4–11)a;

65.1% Dutch;

62.7% male

Electronic monitor Mean adherence was higher in the intervention group, mean difference 12.0% (95% CI 6.7–17.7%).
Wiecha (2015)

Pilot RCT;

Usual care plus asthma education manual and peak flow meter

Interactive educational website designed to promote adherence, enhance family-provider teamwork, and increase physician awareness of the child's asthma status access to website for 6 months; feedback provided to family and provider every 2 months 30

11.9b ± 2.0 (8–16);

58.6% Black;

58.6% male

Electronic monitor Mean change in adherence was positive for the intervention group and negative for the control group; however, this difference was not statistically significant, p =.46.

Note.N = number of participants with adherence data; Not reported = Original study authors did not report this information; Unable to extract = Data could not be interpreted for the current study. aRecruited age range; bintervention group only, unable to calculate for full sample; cTwo hundred eleven participants were only prescribed ICS for 14 days, while 98 participants were prescribed ICS for >14 days; dFor Duncan et al. (2013) and Otsuki et al. (2009), we compared their primary multi-component interventions to their education-only attention-control groups. Horner et al. (2016) examined outcomes of the same intervention across two different settings and compared each to an attention control group; we compared their community-based day camp intervention, described as their primary intervention, to their attention control group. eTwo articles (Hederos et al., 2009; Naar et al., 2018) presented longitudinal follow-up of previously published studies (Hederos et al., 2005; Naar-King et al., 2014). The boldface text is used to indicate statistically significant results.