UV-PAM and Deep-PAM validation using a 7-µm deparaffinized FFPE mouse brain section. a and b, UV-PAM and its corresponding Deep-PAM images of a 7-µm thick whole mouse brain section. c, The corresponding BF-H&E image of the same brain section after H&E staining, alcohol dehydration, and xylene clearing, serving as the ground truth for comparison. d–f, Zoomed-in UV-PAM, Deep-PAM, and BF-H&E images of the green regions in a–c, respectively. g–i, Zoomed-in UV-PAM, Deep-PAM, and BF-H&E images of the red dashed regions in d,e,f, respectively. The images are used for cellularity analysis. j–l, Zoomed-in UV-PAM, Deep-PAM, and BF-H&E images of the blue regions in a,b,c, respectively. Crumbling artifacts caused by xylene treatment in the clearing are shown in l. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)