Figure 1.
NrdA-PNA inhibits nrdA translation and bacterial growth. Bacterial growth inhibition of PNA-peptide conjugates: (a) NrdA-PNA (PNA5561), (b) 2-base mismatch-PNA (PNA5645) and (c) 4-base mismatch-PNA (PNA5866). Non-treated (crosses), 16 μM (filled circles), 8 μM (open circles), 4 μM (filled squares) and 2 μM (open squares). Overnight cultures of WT E. coli were diluted to 105 cfu/mL in MHB-I and incubated with appropriate concentrations of PNA-peptide conjugates and incubated at 37°C for 18 h, while turbidity was measured at OD595. (d) Effect of PNA-peptide on NrdA translation. Protein extracts of cells growing exponentially in AB medium were exposed to 8 μM of the indicated PNA-peptide at OD450 = 0.05. Samples were collected after 3 h of PNA-peptide exposure, proteins separated in SDS-PAGE gels and the NrdA protein detected by immunoblotting. Shown below each band is the band intensity relative to WT. (e) Bactericidal effect of NrdA-PNA. WT cells were grown exponentially in MHB-I medium, diluted to 1–5 × 105 cfu/mL and treated with 4 μM PNA-peptide for 5 h. Non-treated (crosses), NrdA-PNA (4 μM, filled circles) and 2-base mismatch-PNA (4 μM, open circles). Cell viability is displayed as survival fractions in cfu/mL. For details, see the Materials and methods section. Shown is the mean±SD based on three independent determinations.